Streets & Transit



  • Yeah, I think there's a lot more work that could be getting done right now with minimal risk of increasing the rate of the virus' spread, if we have to go through this again in the fall they should have a much better idea as to which measures are necessary to keep the infection rate where they need it at. One thing I can say is that as a country we're going to come out the other side of this pandemic infinitely better prepared for the inevitable "big one" that will come eventually.
  • This is a great sight to see. Next, we need the downtown stretch rebuilt. Yesterday even though there was very light traffic, someone flipped their car at the Grand Ave exit. It seems like a lot of accidents happen right in that same area. I wonder if the highway could be made safer there when the rebuild it. An obvious answer would be to lower the speed limit, but I wonder if there could be some sort of reconfirmation that would improve safety.
  • Happening in a kind of empty quarter of town, but...
  • This is good news. That section of Aurelius will be seeing more traffic when the new hospital and housing developments open. They are also working on Forest Road. I hope they also get to Collins next.
  • I can't for the life of me understand why East Lansing, Lansing and Lansing Township have never considered raising this section of road higher above the flood plain. With climate change, it's only going to flood more often. In fact, EVERYTHING in this area needs raising, or they simply need to phase out allowing development around the Kalamazoo and I-496 exists.

  • My guess is that drainage issues may be the reason why it's never been done. There are environmental considerations that enter the picture because it's part of a floodplain. There are spots in Eaton County that flood for weeks at a time, and have for years, but they have never done anything because they are roads through the middle of marshlands.
  • edited May 2020
    Raising it on a small bridge through the area would improve the natural environment. I suspect like most things it's the entities not wanting to pay for it.
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