Red Cedar Renaissance



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  • edited February 2019

    The lot is for the park; it's too far away from the main complex to be for anything else.

    An update rendering looking southeast from the LSJ, today:

    The senior village has been moved off the corner; I think this is part of the market-rate apartments, now. And has hood said, it's been added to vertically.

  • Yes, it would great if there were no surface parking lots at all. Unfortunately, this is Lansing where it seems like parking lots will always be of the highest priority. At least the lots are in the rear not on Michigan Avenue.

  • I'd heard some rumors that the drainage aspect of the project was going to include a tear out and removal of Ranney Skate Park. I ended up contacting the Ingham County Drain Commission and spoke with Pat for a bit. He gave me a lot of information outside of the stuff we've been talking about in here.

    • The skatepark is 100% safe. It may temporarily close during some phase of construction but it's not going anywhere
    • Ranney sledding hill is going to be regraded and doubled in height. They are using national standards to make it a safe and fun sledding and toboggan area
    • They're building amphitheater seating adjacent the parking lot north of the ball field so that concerts and events can take place there
    • Another amphitheater is being built behind the Red Cedar Renaissance park
    • Salmon and steelhead breeding pools will be stocked for the river
    • 25 waterfalls are going to be built along the river

    Full plans will be public in a couple months, he said that none of this is costing a taxpayer dime- the developers are paying for all of it- investing 280 mill in the project.

  • That's great. Thanks for calling Pat. I had heard the same rumors about the skatepark. I do worry that however they route the water may cause issues with the park. They better not try to tunnel underneath it.
  • edited February 2019

    We'd actually discussed this back in 2016 when Lindemann released some preliminary information on Ranney Park as part of the Montgomery Drain reconstruction. It was said even then that only the open space in the north part of the park would be disturbed. It's completely possible to get the water through the entire park without having to disturb the skate park proper, though, as the skate park's parking lot is adjacent to the east. I suspect that's how they are going to get the water under Michigan.

    Anyway, look forward to seeing what Lindemann ultimately comes up with. The guy's a water genius. And thanks for getting in contact him, Sabatoa. It keeps getting lost in this, but this whole thing was kickstarted by the requirement that Lansing clean up its act in this area, which allows way too much pollution into the Red Cedar. It's crazy in hindsight that the city allowed the developers to develop the Frandor area on what was literally flood-prone wetlands.

  • I’d actually read the Montgomery report too, but social media rumors were adamant that something had changed and the skate park was in jeopardy, I was cynical so I wanted to get the definitive answer from the source.

    I’m actually kinda stoked on the project now.
  • The drain project it very exciting to me. It sounds like it is going to be beautiful and will be quite an attraction. I am looking forward to biking there, that will be so cool. I am not a skater/boarder but I am glad to hear the skate park is safe, it seems very popular. I know there are plans that include Frandor and it's parking areas. I am wondering if they will be pulling up the blacktop and reconfiguring the whole thing? I would like to see a sort of street and block plan eliminating a lot of the underused parking areas near Sears. It could be somewhat like the parking areas at Eastwood with even more grass and trees. I looking forward to seeing the final plans for the project.

  • I'm really not sure what that large lot is supposed to be for either, it's much, much larger than would be necessary for just the park. My top guesses are that it's either for the student housing on site or maybe they plan to encourage people to park there during MSU games and other events in order to bring them back to the development to shop, dine, etc... Either way I'm sure the long term plan is to develop that space at some point.

  • "Full plans will be public in a couple months, he said that none of this is costing a taxpayer dime- the developers are paying for all of it- investing 280 mill in the project."

    I'm not sure how he can say that the developers are paying for all of it. These developers have tried to pay as little as possible for the project, and at this point have been able to hold off on paying any mortgage payments for the land or the project until they've gotten all the necessary approvals from the various authorities to get incentives etc. The land is tied up with them, not open for other offers, but they haven't had to make any payments for the land.

    Money for this drain project will come from Ingham County taxpayers and possibly whatever state or federal funds they can get, but I don't know how he can say that the developers will pay for all of it.
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