General East Lansing Development



  • Thanks for correcting that. I was just going by, and could have sworn I saw the corner disturbed (digging), but I guess it was just a staging area. I only saw the site from the perimeter.
  • Along with considering the new Park District plan the EL planning commission will consider a developers plan to tear down the Citizens Bank building to construct 10 floor hotel/apartment/retail building and to raze the Evergreen Arms Apartments for a four floor mixed use building.

    East Lansing planning commission to review two major development proposals

    Grand River and Abbot building's south elevation:

    Evergreen Ave building's north and south elevations:
  • The Citizens Bank and Evergreen Arms would be great to have, but I won't believe it until I see shovels in the ground. Happy that it is being talked about though.
  • Chappelle still owns this building, right? So, this is his plan for the site? I do like what I see, but with him involved, you can never be sure what's real and what's an effort to buy more time.
  • It looks like he does still own the properties, maybe. The documents say that the LLC proposing these buildings owns City Center II LLC, so I assume that means Chappelle is behind all this. He could of also sold City Center II LLC or brought in partners, if it's just him though I have little hope of seeing this happen.
  • I pulled a few renderings of of CPIX:

    A proposed building for the SW corner of Coolidge and Lake Lansing, next to the new PNC bank. Lake Lansing Center

    A few renderings of the Trowbridge Village redevelopment (a mixed use building, office building and the renovated plaza).


  • I like the Caddis development. I remember the residential neighbors throwing a fit about basically anything proposed for the site, basically arguing it should have never been up-zoned. lol BTW, you guys were right. I was just at the Lake Lansing Meijer yesterday, and it appears the "construction" was just a staging area for the interior renovation.
  • I like the Caddis building also, I would be content to see some of the infill on Michigan Ave look like that. I think I'll hold my judgement on the Trowbridge redevelopment until I see it in person, I'm sure it will be a considerable improvement over whats there now though.
  • The LSJ is reporting that a Biggby franchise is going to open up in the old PNC Bank location across from Midtown. I really wish that building would be torn down and a new mixed-use structure built in-place. Occupancy of the building is a good sign though, as it shows that the location is considered valuable by others.

    I'm sure Gillespie (I think he owns it) has plans for this lot once Midtown and Marketplace are finished and occupied. Although Biggby has probably signed a lease for some number of years that will prohibit Gillespie from moving them until their lease is up.

    They also added that a Battery Giant will open next to Altu's on the opposite side of Midtown.
  • There's a banner up at the building on the northeast corner of Grand River and Kedzie advertising a new building they're calling "The Element 903." It says units will be available fall 2015.

    The Element 903

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