General East Lansing Development



  • edited January 2015
    Finally got around to reading last weeks city pulse and looking at the public notices for the city council's February 3 meeting I see...

    - Consideration of the rezoning of 1595 West Lake Lansing from "Restricted Office Buisness District" to "Community Retails Sales District." This is the 3.27 acre site on the southwest corner of Coolidge and Lake Lansing that's been redeveloped in phases. There is already a bank building here, and they want to add this mixed-use development to the site:


    I'm unsure of how this is oriented on the site, though. The building will be three stories and contain 20,000 square feet of office space, 5,000 square feet general retail space, and a 2,800 square foot for a restaurant with drive-thru.

    - The second developed-related rezoning request is for the Park District. Park District Investment Group wants to rezone 341-345 Evergreen (vacant Evergreen Arms apartments) from "City Center Multi-Family Residential" to "City Center Commercial" to allow for the demolition of the apartments and construction of Building B of the Park District development. Building B will be 4-stories with retail space on the first floor and 42 apartments on the upper floors. Building B as it relates to the rest of the plan:


    I know this was likely already discussed, but who owns the buildings between the Peoples Church and the old Bank Building at the corner?
  • I found the real estate listing for that building and posted in on the last page of this thread, that was back in August, I'm surprised it's just now up for rezoning. Here's a site plan from CPIX: Site plan (pdf)

    As for the building you're talksing about property records show it belongs to City Center Two Prokect LLC, they also own the bank building and 341 Evergreen. City Center Two LLC properties
  • 341 Evergreen is owned by Park District Investment Group, LLC. If they are both owned by the same entity as the bank building and Evergreen Arms, it's kind of surprising it's not included in the Park District redevelopment, unless I'm reading the siteplan incorrectly.
  • According to the property information page at the link; 100, 124, 128, 130, 136, and 140 W Grand River along with 341 Evergreen are owned by the same entity, which is listed as City Center Two Project LLC. Property records aren't always totally up to date, but I don't believe their very outdated either.
  • As I understand it, anything that was owned by City Center Two Project LLC is now known as Park District Investment Group, LLC. The other properties in the area are owned by DTN, unless they gave the properties back to the city when they said they couldn't move forward without the bank building.
  • Okay, but I'm still wondering why the properties in between the Peoples Church and the bank building don't seem to be included in Park District. Again, am I looking at the site plan incorrectly? I was almost sure everything along Grand River was part of the redevelopment.
  • All of those properties are within the footprint of the main building in that site plan. The rerouting of the streets throws things off when looking at it, for reference notice the street behind the main building is an extended Albert Ave.
  • edited January 2015
    Thanks. Yeah, I'm looking at the project's website (they've got a map of parcel ownership in the district) and have Bing Maps open and can see that it includes those, now. I guess I didn't think about just how much wider the building on the corner will be.
  • The City Pulse has public notices for the East Lansing Planning Commission for their February 11 meeting, and it includes of note:

    - Consideration of a special land use permit and site plan approval for 300 West Grand River Avenue, which will include 39-apartments, 6,434 square feet of ground floor retail/office space, and parking somewhere on the premises.

    I believe this is a WAY scaled down version of the Gateway project (the former was 6-stories and 160 units). I imagine this means they aren't going to use the Biggby parcel across Delta (270 West Grand River). I guess it's a good enough compromise. I'd have liked to have seen the larger building, but even I have to admit it was a little massive given the surrounding neighborhood. So long as East Lansing doesn't try to downsize stuff in downtown proper I can accept some lower-density stuff in the Delta.

    Anyway, here is the original proposal for that site:


    And here it is when it was made into the Gateway:


    And here are the two addresses they were going to include with Gateway:


    It looks like it's going to be closer to the original proposal in size. Hopefully, they've retained much of that design, too.
  • There is a public hearing in East Lansing for 927 East Grand River, a non-descript office building just east and across the street from Bogue, to add a third story to the property for residential usage. At first, I thought this sounded familiar, but this is actually another project in addition to the 903 East Grand River redevelopment three buildings down.

    This all seems like a kind of waste, to me, in the long run. Realistically, property values would be high enough here very soon to support a building that stretched the entire block of Grand River between Kedzie and Durand. Currently, there are five buildings along this block with parking and an alley out back. It's basically the eastern edge of downtown, so more density would be appropriate, here, eventually. That said, I can't complain to much. I assume each of these five properties is owned by different people, and it's far from the worst underuse of land in the more urban parts of East Lansing.
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