General East Lansing Development



  • You'd think the aerials would be a bit more recent, though. They still don't have Marketplace under construction, and only a few of the new(ish) homes at East Village are present. They've got to be at least two years old.
  • I can't seem to get the new imagery to show up on the desktop Google Maps, but the imagery on mobile Maps is at most a month or two old. It shows Marketplace completed, the Outfield well under construction and shows the Lansing Brewery property already cleared.
  • This week's City Pulse public hearings has one for a planned unit development at 6170 Abbot Road in East Lansing. This is about a block north of Lake Lansing Road on a wooded lot, currently. What's proposed are 13 duplexes (26 units), and then an additional stand-alone single family building for a total of 27 units. It'll also include a community building for the complex. I'm interested to see who this is marketed for and what it looks like.
  • Tomorrow will be the public hearing for the brownfield redevelopment plan and site plan of the old Taco Bell, across from Stonehouse Village.
  • edited September 2015
    Two huge (and practical) developments coming to East Lansing. First, MSU is building the largest solar array in the state across its parking lots:

    MSU trustees approve plan to build largest solar array in Michigan

    By RJ Wolcott | Lansing State Journal

    September 11, 2015

    EAST LANSING — Michigan State University plans to outfit five of its parking lots with solar panel parking bays, creating what university officials say will be the largest solar array in the state.

    The plan was approved unanimously by the Board of Trustees Friday. Searching for green energy sources, including solar, coincides with the university’s energy transition plan, said Wolfgang Bauer, an MSU physics professor and senior consultant with the Office of the Executive Vice President.

    The solar array is expected to generate 10 megawatts of power, roughly 1/6 the amount used on campus during peak hours, he said. The parking bays will have more than 13 feet of clearance, meaning RVs and other tall vehicles will still be able to park under them during weekend tailgates.

    Then the BWL is also building a large solar array in East Lansing. I wonder if this is the same company that was seeking a site for the BWL? I tend to remember it being a New England company, and this one looks to be Michigan-based, but maybe it's a subsidiary?
    East Lansing, BWL close to deal on solar project

    By Dawn Parker | Lansing State Journal

    September 11, 2015

    EAST LANSING – - East Lansing is close to reaching an agreement with the Lansing Board of Water and Light for a community solar facility in the city, East Lansing Mayor Nathan Triplett said Friday.

    “It's no longer a question of if, but when community solar is coming to East Lansing,” Triplett said during a panel discussion on clean energy that also featured State Sen. Curtis Hertel (D-Meridian Township), State Rep. Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) and Wolfgang Bauer, senior consultant in the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administrative Service at Michigan State University.

    Triplett declined further comment on the agreement, but did say the city has been working with Michigan Energy Options and other interested organizations. The installation would not cost the city anything, he said, as the city would provide the site and neither build nor operate the facility.

  • edited September 2015
    6170 Abbot seems to be this development that the LSJ has a short article on in the paper this morning. It's called Cottages at MSU and the 13 units are student housing which can actually house 108. Was kind of surprised by this. It could begin this fall and take 9 to 11 months to complete.
  • At the same council session, Stonehouse Village IV was approved as well as the brownfield plan for the project. I'm not sure when construction will start.
  • Little piece of news, the city council chose former mayor Mark Meadows to be the current mayor, tonight. Meadows formerly served as mayor from 1997 to 2006, so it looks like East Lansing will continue to have solid leadership. Anti-development councilwoman Ruth Beier was chosen as mayor pro-tem (vice mayor).
  • So, ran across this during some search through another Facebook page. Looks like the Element at Grand River and Bogue is just about done. Interesting how it turned out. From their facebook page:



  • It is at least interesting that the builders offered a different looking face to Grand River. I want to like it more than I do, I know I can be over critical of these new buildings, but it seems like many of the new buildings in East Lansing have this stone fortress feeling at street level. I am also not a fan of corrugated metals as a facade treatment. I just think it is going to look really bad after a few years. I will take a drive by there and see if I can warm up to it. I like the wood decking, and I wonder why treated wood could not be used in place of metal for the set back area, it would be warmer and less warehouse looking.
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