General East Lansing Development



  • edited December 2015
    Row, this came out of nowhere:

    American Apparel closes East Lansing store

    EAST LANSING – American Apparel has closed its East Lansing location.

    The clothing store’s signage has been removed, and brown paper now covers the windows of the business, located at 115 E. Grand River Ave. across the street from Michigan State University. The store closed on Dec. 18, according to the East Lansing Assessor’s Office.

    Building owner, Brian Gordon, of East Lansing Grand River LLC, has listed the property for lease on Loopnet. The storefront has 4,400 square feet and can be rented for $110,000 per year.

    Gordon said American Apparel's lease was up and the company did not renew it.

    "We're very close to a deal on the space now," he said. "The space won't stay empty for long."

    Surprised as it was always one of the busier places along the avenue every time I went by it. Anyway, guess it's good to see it won't sit empty.
  • Indeed. Corporate troubles apparently. When you find yourself closing busy stores, corporate troubles.
  • T.B. Simon Power Plant at MSU will use the last of its coal reserves by this spring when it will switch totally to natural gas, which generates half the amount of CO2 as burning coal. It also means, however, that they will no longer burn biofuels, either, since they had to mix it with coal to make it feasible. That said, the new parking lot solar panel project at the commuter lots will more than make up for the loss of biofuels.
  • I'm out in CA now, but they just covered all of our parking lots at work with these same panel setups. Now everyone fights to get a covered spot everyday! :D
  • edited January 2016
    Some pictures from the development at Beech and Gunson St,

    This used to be a small development with tiny "monopoly" style houses (Google Maps satellite view of them, The project was announced in October 2014,
  • Some minor/major renovations happening at First National Bank of America. I say minor because it looks like they won't change the appearance of the building all that much. I say major because construction has already been going on for months.


  • Apparently when a tweet has more than one image things get funky. Let's try that again.


  • It's interesting because the bank used to fly "Don't Tread on Me" flags, and the front had a nice fountain with a large plaque with an extended Bible quote on it. Neither is especially controversial but I do wonder if they aren't in part seeking a more business/professional (by 2016 standards) appearance.
  • A bank flew the "Don't tread on Me" flags out front!? Wow! I really have missed some "fun" times around here. A Patriotic symbol taken over by the anti-American know nothing Tea Party flown outside a major building is very controversial, and would inhibit business for anyone located there. I glad I missed it.
  • Not to get sidetracked, but I've wondered how the "Don't Tread on Me" flag ever became controversial. It's a symbol of the most important time in our country's history and represents a pretty good philosophy. If anything I think it would be worth flying the flag just help eliminate the negative stigma around it, it should be a nice fit for anyone who values their freedom and civil liberties.
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