General Lansing Development



  • This isn't the "Grill & Bar Coming Soon"'s the actual permanent sign for "Downtown Dog House." It also looked like they had "Downtown Dog House" labeled equipment set up inside.
  • edited May 2009
    Looks like the council rejected, again, selling the North Capitol Ramp to LCC. At least this time the vote was 5-3 in favor, though, that's little conselation. I'm really missing 1st ward councilman Leeman, right about now. The word "obstructionist" was sometimes inappropriately thrown around by the mayor and some of his supporters, but Hewitt is an obstructionist. At least Woods asks smart questions and can explain, honestly, her opposition to most things. Hewitt's no initiated anything or been pro-active on anything since he was elected, really.
  • This sucks for the City, LCC and especially for nearby residents. Oh well though, we'll see a nice new parking ramp and more than likely the N Capitol Ramp will not be replaced or rehabbed when the time comes to tear it down.
  • This does suck...I think this has been a giant game of chicken and trying to call eachother's bluff. I wonder how possible it is that one of the sides will give in once it appears dead? I wonder how much this kills the new parking ramp proposal for the east side of the Grand river by the Lansing Center. Wasn't that funded in part by the profits from this sale?
  • Was anyone else surprised by the split of the vote? It seemed strange that Jeffries broke ranks with Wood, Hewitt and Robinson.
  • I was a bit surprised that Jeffries crossed over given that he was the one that who'd sponsored the alternative plan. This second go-around made those opposing even more fervent in their opposition because Bernero used a rarely used power to force a special meeting on this, so I don't see any possibility whatsoever of any votes changing if this was brought back up. To me, this was even more telling than the market votes. If they can't even bend to facilitate the sell of a parking garage, then some changes need to be made.

    Woods is going to be gone, because she's running for mayor (and won't win). Kaltenbach (who isn't seeking re-election) will most likely be replaced by perennial campaigner Chris Lewless, who as far as I can tell won't be much of a problem in that he's not connected to anyone on the current council. Jeffries is going to keep his at-large seat, and Allen is going to keep her 2nd Ward seat. Those are my predictions.
  • I think your council predictions will be accurate (I don't know about Lawless though), but would Wood's term on council continue if she lost or is that also coming up this election?
  • Oops, yeah, I forgot that her at-large seat isn't up for re-election. That's changes everything, meaning that she'd go back to council.

    To me, Lewless is a shoe-in for the fourth weard. He's ran so many times that he already has a headstart having built up a sizeable supporter list. At least compared to him, the others that filed to run are relative no-names save for Jessica Yorko. This is not to mention that Lewless pulls votes from both the sizeable white and black populations on the westside.
  • Oh, man. I'm just really starting to wrap my mind around a new ramp at Seymour/Shiawasse or Seymour/Genesee, and no matter which way they do it it's still going to be too for the directly adjacent neighborhood.

    For the temporary:
    Lansing Community College will pave a lot adjacent to its University Center to provide parking for its students and staff by the fall semester, officials say.

    Imagine the back-ups on Grand or Shiawassee in the morning from folks trying to get into that garage, now imagine at least a third of that transported all up and down Seymour and Genesee streets in an actual residential neighborhood.
  • I wouldn't call Lewless a shoe-in. He's certainly a top contender because he's a hard campaigner. But Yorko has Kaltenbach's support and strong ties from her environmental, biking and Saginaw corridor/Northwest Initiative work. And Truscott has strong ties in the neighborhood too from his days as a high school coach and having lived in the ward for so long. This race is going to be very interesting, as is the race for at-large as Dunbar and Jeffries try to fend off the likes of Rina Risper and our favorite former council president Harold Leeman.
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