General Lansing Development



  • Well, this stinks. I noticed that Paramoutn is filling in and grading the basement over the now demolished Abrams Building, meaning that this will almost certainly be a parking lot for Paramount, unless by some chance they turn it into a pocket park, or something. :(
  • The plans for this should be public, right? I'd expect that they are on the City of Lansing's website somewhere.
  • I'm sure they are, but it's only if you catch them. A demolition permit could have been filed months ago for all we know. I'd heard nothing about anything on Larch. The local media isn't picking up any of the demolitions taking place on the street for whatever reason.
  • edited September 2013
    MLive is reporting that Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville is having the ownership of the Farnum Building (senate office building across the street from the Boji Tower) transfered from the state to the senate. This is being done in case the senate wants to sell the office building for a new home somewhere else downtown. There is mention in the article that they have been some preliminary talk with the Bojis. No word on whether the senate is looking for existing downtown space or a new construction, but with Class A space being so occupied, I can't really imagine a building on the market that could fit the senate, unless the plan is to move into state-owned property on the capitol complex, or something.
  • What if they bought Boji Tower? I know it's unlikely, but I think they already have hearing rooms in there, it seems almost logical.
  • edited September 2013
    There is no way. The Boji Tower is routinely almost always full. We're not just talking the senators, but their offices. We're talking of tens-of-thousands of square feet that they'd need; that's why they fill the neighboring Farnum Building, which is 78,000 square feet. Even if they don't use the entire space, I'm looking at the CBRE leasing page for the Boji, now, and they only lease two suites that total just under 2,300 square feet. There is no way the Boji's would sell them such a lucrative property. They'd sooner be the developer for a new building for them than to sell them the tower, and the senate would not have the money to pay for such an attractive building.

    Speaking of CBRE, which I hadn't checked out in many months, I see a few news things. The surface lot at 616 South Washington at the Olds Freeway is being marketed for development. It's .65 acres and 72 spots.


    What really caught my eye was that One Michigan Avenue at Michigan and Washington - the one that farily recently added a space for Troppos - is now marketing a "planned expansion" to the north end of the building with suites availble for 1,065-10,200-square-feet. This gets me to believe that they aren't talking an expansion like at the south end of the bulding, rather expanding, vertically. They show four siteplan options for this expansion. The expansion would be at the northwest corner, mostly, and would expand slightly onto the existing plaza around the building.
  • edited September 2013
    Not Lansing, but Grand Ledge is getting a new downtown riverfront park, and given the size of the community and the park, this will be absolutely transformative:


    Grand Ledge presents plants for riverfront
  • Anyone know what's going on near the southwest corner of Lake Lansing and Wood roads in Lansing Township? A new building with stone (or faux-stone) on a narrow lot went up. Can't tell if it's office/medical or retail space, but it came out of nowhere. It replaced a old shot-gun looking shack of a house right next door to the 7/11 at the corner.
  • I have not driven near the Lake Lansing/Wood Road intersection in a while, but I believe it will be a Sherwin-Williams store?

    Listing 1
    Listing 2

    (I Googled: "Lake Lansing" "Wood Road")
  • Thanks.

    The Lansing City Pulses weekly/bi-weekly city hall section has a few updates from Monday including...

    - In some bad news, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce demolished a building at the northwest corner (I think) of Walnut and Hillsdale, and want a special land use permit to build a surface lot. There are currently surface lots on the street other corners at this intersection. This is just insane. The southend of downtown is already really sparse from when I-496 came through. This area of downtown is in terrible need of infill, not further demolitions.

    - A public hearing is set for a brownfield redevelopment plan for the Heeb Building (1113-1119 North Washington). This is the one mentioned a few weeks ago that will add an aditional story near the corner of Washington and Grand River.
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