MSU Development



  • I'm huge fan of the murals around town, unfortunately I've noticed that multiple murals on the RiverTrail were defaced with garbage graffiti very recently, maybe within the past week, first time I've seen that in awhile and it was sad to see.
  • Yes, it seems like a new "artist" is inflicting his ego on us around town recently. The new sound barrier walls next to the Cherry Hill neighborhood has been tagged with big dumb tags, nothing artistic about it. I would like to see the fools who do this arrested, and the makers of spray paint take responsibility for the damage their products cause. Perhaps restricting sales to adults. I would guess that much of that paint is stolen. It must take hundreds of cans to paint a freak'in railroad car.
  • Meanwhile the Farm Lane bridge is looking very nice. Crews are installing the streetlights, they have a vintage look, similar to the lamp posts around the central campus. There are two tall lamp posts at each end and several shorter lamp post in between. The posts have a decorative brick base, the tall ones have a vintage post with the flat LED lamps, the shorter posts have lamps that are the same vintage design as the old pedestrian way lamps around the old campus. Looks like they will install the railings next, and it will be done. There is a new project beginning at the Museum. Also, a lot of utility work.
  • There's new renderings for two of MSU's three major upcoming projects and a sort of rendering for Digital Innovation Center, which I thought was the furthest along funding-wise. Anyway, here they are:

    Health Education Building

    Plant and Environmental Science Building

    Engineering and Digital Innovation Center

  • Thanks, @hood. The Engineering/Innovation center and plant enviro buildings have a little too much brick for my liking. Fortunately, these are initial mocks and will probably change. Hopefully the exterior designs use different materials and are more appealing. I really like the plant and soil addition. I hope the plant/enviro building incorporates design elements from there.
  • I think one you say you like best is the top rendering? The Health Education building? I certainly don't hate that one, it's fairly similar to the most recent 5-floor building that went up at South Campus so it seems they're going for a particular look.

    I've operated under the assumption that the Innovation Center's rendering is just a basic massing and there will be many more windows and design elements, it'd be very disappointing if that weren't the case.

    I'm torn as I look at the Plant and Environmental Science Building render, it's a little blah at first but l'm kinda liking it the more I look at it, I'm just not sure yet. Looking at the far end of the render it switches it up a little so the Farm Ln facade may look different.
  • For the new Plan/Enviromental Sci building, my wish is to incorporate designs from the the Plant/Soil addition that was built last decade. That addition is really nice IMO. I wish they wrapped the original building entirely with that addition, but it would have been double the cost. Or just continue onward with design from the Physics/Astronomy building next door. Though, it's a different college so they may want to stand out. this current rendering just doesn't look good with the red brick.

    I like the health building. It's a new age design. That part of campus will be built up nicely over the next present-30 years as they invest in medical/science research.

  • Ah, gotcha. I was confused there. Although they're generally inoffensive, it's always a little hard for me to get too excited about mostly glass buildings tbh. I do very much like the green brick along with the interior common areas and I couldn't agree more on the improvement that replacing the old building's facade with one that matches the addition would have brought. The current plant/enviro render, while a little bland, is much more in the spirit of the new STEM building or the Wells Hall addition, both of which I'm personally fond of. I'm mostly just happy to see MSU doing well and the campus filling in/densifying.

    Yeah, it'll be fun to see the development of South Campus over the coming years. Lots of change on the horizon.
  • Over at the new International Student Center on Farm Lane they are starting to install the exterior facade panels, which are dark green? with darker and lighter panels both shinny and mat finishes. The treatment looks good, and the building seems to fit into "a look" for the newer buildings on campus. The bridge is nearly finished, they were laying a small brick sidewalk boundary like many around campus. They have opened most of the closed sidewalks. I believe they are also installing new landscaping and sidewalks around Erickson Keva. I really like that the bridge is nicer than it has to be. Something I wish Lansing would catch on to!
  • I finally snapped some pictures on my my way through out there, I'll add them shortly. I didn't take any pictures at the bridge through as it was swarming with workers doing landscaping and finishing touches. I can't imagine the construction fencing at the bridge site will be around much longer.
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