Website Updates



  • I have fixed the issue with embedded links not appearing. I also moved the categories list back to the left side as it was in the previous layout of the site. I'm looking in to an issue where draft comments are still appearing after the comment has been posted, as well as tweaking the color scheme to be a little easier on the eyes.

  • Jared, thanks for all of your hard work. The tweaks have definitely been improvements, and I'm starting to get the hang of adding pictures, quoting, etc.

  • edited August 2020
    Starting today I have added ads to the side of the website beneath the sidebar on the full website view and on the mobile view between every other comment. These ads will help pay the bills for running the site, which I have paid out of my own pocket since about 2006, without needing to require paid membership or other changes that could affect the access to the great conversations here. Please feel free to share your feedback on this change here.
  • Makes sense to me. I have no issues with them.
  • Thanks, that means a lot to me. I feel that there is a great community here of like-minded and respectful discussion. I do wish the ads were a little more contextual, but maybe it will get better with time? 🤷‍♂️
  • Yeah, do what you got to do.
  • Thanks for your dedication to this site, it really has meant a lot to me since I returned to my hometown 5 years ago.
  • Agreed - do what you have to and thanks for hosting this site! I personally never click on ads. However, if you choose to adopt a membership model or need donations, I'm happy to contribute.
  • No worries. I appreciate having the site available.
  • Thanks, I've considered a membership model but I wasn't sure how much work that would require for me to set it up. If the ads don't work out or are just too annoying we can try that.
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