Website Updates



  • edited May 31
    I got a warning from the website hosting company that the bandwidth for the month is over the limit. It's at 104% of capacity right now. If it gets to 125% they will take the site offline for the rest of the month. I think we will need to stop hosting images on the server as that is likely the main contributor to the bandwidth usage. When I get the time I'll look to see what the largest contributors to the bandwidth usage are and see if I can reduce the filesize on them first.
  • Just curious, when does the window reset? This doesn't include images linked from outside websites, does it?

    I just checked my image-heavy development rundown thread and found only three images hosted here, I'll get those switched over to Flickr. Lmk if any of my threads need changes.
  • It resets on the 2nd, so we should be good for this month but it really started to tick up a couple months ago. I spent a couple hours looking through the forum this morning to see if there was any recent posts that might have been the cause but couldn't find anything definitive. I think it's a mix of a poorly engineered web crawler/scraper, spam accounts, and some image heavy posts. Images hosted on other sites don't count towards bandwidth.
  • Ok, good to know. I'll continue using outside image hosting.

    As always, thanks a ton for keeping this place running
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