General Lansing Development



  • Just saw this on LinkedIn today. I'm not sure if this means they plan to tear down Eastern or just build it somewhere on the site. I truly hope they're not just planning to raze Eastern...
  • Needless to say I will completely lose my shit if they choose to tear down Eastern.

    Their spokesperson is quoted regarding the building: "dilapidated interior (that) makes it unsafe and cost-prohibitive to locate any services there,"... Do these people think we're idiots??? Like I haven't seen the stuff that's been saved in Detroit and you're going to make a ridiculous claim like that? This is a steel and concrete building that was maintained as a functional school up until less than 10 years ago while being kept secure and reasonably well maintained since closing. I'd bet everything I have there's nothing structurally wrong with the building. U of M just doesn't care about our community and wants to take the easiest and cheapest possible path. What a great way to introduce themselves.

    There's no reason to bend to Sparrow, they're a state-sanctioned local duopoly that couldn't move out of the city if they wanted to. If they move forward with this the city ought to not give them any tax incentives, any more rezoning, vacate any more streets or the like. Vacating Eighth St was another recent mistake that benefitted Sparrow while harming the neighborhood. This stuff has gotta stop.
  • Well put. With you 100% @hood.
  • On a more positive note, there's a few small items worth mentioning on this weeks council agenda:
    -Approval of Helper's Wheel District NEZ (Maybe this moves forward this year yet?)
    -Setting a public hearing for the sale of City Hall
    -The old flower shop at 519 W Ionia is set to become Salt Brewing Company; they're requesting a microbrewery, small wine maker and distillers license along with dance/entertainment and an outdoor service area. Sounds like a good use of that building.
    -The old Ellison Brewery in REO Town looks set to reopen, they've filed for alcohol permits under the name REO Town Clubhouse
  • The Michigan Central Train Station was basically a bombed-out shell, and they found the money and will to save that building, I think the task of saving at least the facade of Eastern would be a much easier and less expensive than any of the rehabilitations of some very beautiful buildings they have done in Detroit.
    It is really good to hear about another business opening at the closed brewery, I think it would be a good idea to warm up that space, so that it looks friendlier and more welcoming. The huge space is cool, but it would take a lot of people to fill that space and give the impression that this is a fun and popular place. I know I don't like to be one of a few people sitting in a huge empty room, outside I could see a covered patio with some greenery, right now it looks like a parking lot next to the train tracks. PS I have been wondering what business is in the old QD bottling plant, there are always a lot of employee cars parked there.
    Also, the sale of City Hall seems like pretty big news, is the hotel still in the plans?
  • edited June 10
    I guess I considered the sale of city hall minor because it's been long expected. Skimming through the purchase agreement there's nothing too noteworthy.

    -Beitler is still the buyer and the plan appears the same for now
    -There's a soft requirement that the project be completed 18 months from the city's moving out
    -They expect about 183 rooms with a 7th floor rooftop restaurant and additional retail/commercial space built out to the corner of Michigan & Washington
    -They anticipate that the new city hall will be ready by early/mid 2026, with 14 months for renovation that makes for a mid to late 2027 completion if all goes well
    -No tax incentives are being requested
    -There's an old flyover rendering on YouTube:
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