Off topic thread



  • I've never posted, don't react to posts and very rarely comment on Facebook but do scroll my feed and keep up with family. It's unfortunate how just about everything gets politicized and divvied up between the left and the right, even moreso in recent years when that's meant dealing with increasingly extreme people at every turn. Everyone seems to agree that polarization is a bad, even dangerous trend, yet the trend continues. I think one of my favorite sayings applies: "No individual raindrop believes itself responsible for the flood"
  • The Lansing subreddit is particularly frustrating for me. They're very group thinky and often don't see the bigger picture. Any attempt to have a reasonable discussion usually results in downvotes due to wrongthink.
  • Yes! The Lansing subreddit drove me crazy, so I just gave up on it lol. I couldn't believe what came out of it sometimes.
  • All the threads that get like this seem to have a lot of shares. I think people are sharing certain posts to other political activist-type subreddits or outside forums then people from said forums pile on with likes/dislikes. This also happens to anything homeless related, if you dare suggest that the homeless shouldn't be allowed to permanently set up shop in parks and on the river trail you'll see dozens if not 100+ downvotes.
  • edited June 11
    I almost used homeless-related issues as an example. You're 100% right. They'd be fine with the city setting up a shanty town on the Capitol lawn for homeless people, but god forbid any of the local developers actually build an apartment building.
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