
E. Hewitt

E. Hewitt


E. Hewitt
Last Active


  • MM, Have you run across an urban plan that would allow for a reduction in parking in the urban core? Once a city gets to a certain size (most urban planners say 1M+) mass-transit becomes a viable alternative. Unfortunately, I do not see Lansing hit…
  • BTW, a few last questions: Why do you think Jeffries (who led the opposition to the sell from as far as I can tell), ended up switching his vote? I cannot tell you what Mr. Jeffries is thinking. I do not take my questioning from him or anyone else…
  • MM, You are correct the Center for the Arts was purchased for a parking ramp for $900,000+, but Mr. Johnson indicated during the budget 2010 hearings that the administration would not develop this site until they have a new home for the Bores Head.…
  • Thank you for your comments, and yes no one will always agree with me and I would not expect them to. I would be happy to hear what the group thinks we on Council can do to see development and growth in Lansing from a fresh perspective.
  • You are correct it is hard to prove a negative and I have been asked to do that a lot the last few months. What I guess I should ask is what would MM consider a proactive stance or approach to development? I have been pushing hard to have the Ranne…
  • Impact on the Neighborhood Since most of the current spaces in the NCR are used by LCC, LCC buying the ramp would not have reduced the number of students parking in the neighborhood. LCC stated if they were to purchase the NCR they were planning to…
  • Knowing what I know now I do not support selling the North Capital ramp (NCR). Since the last time this was brought before the Council many things have come to light that have changed my stance. As urban policy junkies you need to ask yourself what …
  • Good Afternoon Folks, I have enjoyed reading the posts here for a number of years, and I have contributed when I could. However, MichMatters when you decide to malign me in public with no facts to support your allegations, I have to question your…