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  • Sounds like there'll be an effort by community members to push for Eastern being saved: https://lansingcitypulse.com/stories/do-it-right,99403 I'm all for Sparrow using the building if they can but if they can't I hope they're at least willing to…
    in Sparrow Projects Comment by hood June 12
  • It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that the city has taken up over half of its borrowing limit on just the public safety bond. It's disheartening that of all the places we could have spent almost $200 million, most of it is going tow…
  • All the threads that get like this seem to have a lot of shares. I think people are sharing certain posts to other political activist-type subreddits or outside forums then people from said forums pile on with likes/dislikes. This also happens to an…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 11
  • I guess I considered the sale of city hall minor because it's been long expected. Skimming through the purchase agreement there's nothing too noteworthy. -Beitler is still the buyer and the plan appears the same for now -There's a soft requireme…
  • I've never posted, don't react to posts and very rarely comment on Facebook but do scroll my feed and keep up with family. It's unfortunate how just about everything gets politicized and divvied up between the left and the right, even moreso in rece…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 10
  • Yeah, I'm finding a silver lining in that I'm honing my debate skills, learning to avoid using fallacies, keeping on subject, avoiding personal attacks, etc... I've kinda found it helps me hone my own views as well, occasionally seeing somewhere I w…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 8
  • So, I went and did something I do very rarely: start a thread on Reddit. I made clear my disdain for the plan to tear down Eastern along with support for a mental facility and response from some people truly took me aback. All sorts of people perfec…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 8
  • On a more positive note, there's a few small items worth mentioning on this weeks council agenda: -Approval of Helper's Wheel District NEZ (Maybe this moves forward this year yet?) -Setting a public hearing for the sale of City Hall -The old flow…
  • The water is flowing at Ranney Park and the vegetation is starting to fill in a little, I snapped some pictures with my phone: (additional pics HERE)
  • Needless to say I will completely lose my shit if they choose to tear down Eastern. Their spokesperson is quoted regarding the building: "dilapidated interior (that) makes it unsafe and cost-prohibitive to locate any services there,"... Do these …
  • Ok, good to know. I'll continue using outside image hosting. As always, thanks a ton for keeping this place running
    in Website Updates Comment by hood June 2
  • Just curious, when does the window reset? This doesn't include images linked from outside websites, does it? I just checked my image-heavy development rundown thread and found only three images hosted here, I'll get those switched over to Flick…
    in Website Updates Comment by hood June 1
  • I saw that somewhere also. It now has me wondering if they're still going with the design that they've already shown? The renderings and floor plans they showed seemed to me to be fairly far along in the design process. The look of the building as p…
  • I don't make it by there much anymore, I'm glad to hear that project is progressing. I was wondering if it was dead. If it's still the same plan that was proposed a couple years ago it sounds/looks like it should be a cool place: https://www.lansin…
  • I was under the impression that at least some stuff is privatized, maybe I'm mistaken and thinking of the crews I've seen around quasi-governmental properties like the libraries and LEPFA facilities? Is park maintenance still done by city workers? I…
  • I definitely don't hate the idea of ditching those ridiculous shacks in Reutter Park for a nice permanent building with a patio leased out to a restaurant/bar. That could be a really great thing if done right. I absolutely agree that the parks ne…
  • I wouldn't worry, I have virtually no doubt MSU will be doing a proper historic restoration including the windows. My jaw would drop if they did anything other than that.
    in MSU Development Comment by hood May 18
  • Yup, it's undergoing a renovation: https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2024/msu-approves-campbell-hall-renovation-paving-way-for-honors-college-living-learning-community?sc_camp=05574B1FD3D94D6E8E1747C95BCB4598
    in MSU Development Comment by hood May 17
  • https://www.wlns.com/news/proposal-to-sell-lansing-icons-heads-to-city-council/ I can't really articulate the level of pissed off I am just hearing that this is being discussed. So it turns out there is some nefarious force within the City gov…
  • A proposal for a Bath School Disaster Museum now has a few more details and some renderings. It'd obviously be a small thing for the area overall but still a cool and worthwhile addition none the less. Another good place in the area for children's f…
    in Okemos & Haslett Comment by hood May 17