Downtown Lansing Market Study & Strategies

edited March 2009 in Lansing
I hadn't noticed, but the Lansing State Journal had posted a link to the recent downtown market study done on Lansing when they reported on the release of the market study, last week:

Downtown Lansing Market Study & Strategies | Summary Version

Check out the summary. It gives some interesting info. For instance, in the core (0.5 mile radius) there are just over 34,600 employees and a resident population of just under 1,500. You take in the mile radius, which includes parts of the near-side residential neighborhoods directly adjacent to the downtown and you get a little over 60,500 workers and a resident population of ~11,700. The study also shows a projected decline in the population of the urban area including the 5, 10, and 20 minute drive-time areas.
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