Natural Lansing: Parks, Foresty and Nature



  • There is a nice artical and a video that I had not seen about the drain projects, on the The video featured views of the testing of the water works back on a nice day in Nov. I am so happy to see this project is going to be a real beautiful asset and benefit to our city.
  • With work on Moores Park Pool underway they're saying that it should open some time in the 2025 season:
  • I went over to Old Town yesterday, I really like to get out of EL and go somewhere that reminds me we live in a big city with many different neighborhoods to visit. I took a walk up the River Trail to take a look at the new playground which is really great despite vandals having already dumped one of the heavy metal picnic tables in the river. On the way I was very surprised and happy to hear the un-urban sounds of several different songbirds, and the calls of geese and ducks. I had to stop for a minute to figure out that another loud sound I was hearing was scores of bullfrogs croaking out their mating calls. They were all along the newly formed banks of the river. The banks have formed a more natural looking river and provided areas for wildlife and all the frogs indicates the water is clean enough to support animals that require clean water to live in the river. Growing up here that seems miraculous! The flowering trees were also so beautiful over by the playground. I also noticed that a crew may have been preparing [I am not sure] to move the sculpture that has been in Riverfront Park since the '70s. I have to wonder why, I know that it will be placed on Michigan Avenue, in the median where it will only get drive by glances. I think it would have been better to leave the sculpture where it had been for 50 years and create another for the new boulevard. Not a big deal but I wonder who came up with this plan and will there be another artwork to replace the riverside sculpture.
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