General Lansing Development



  • Theyhave been doing work on that parking lot for a month or two now. He was supposed to be starting phase two before the end of the year, but who knows.
  • edited December 2007
    Microsoft Virtual Earth - Live Search Maps

    Well it appears that Microsoft finally added the "Bird's Eye" view for the Lansing Area to the Microsoft Virtual Earth Live Search Maps. We use these maps down here in Houston... they're pretty cool.

    Now pretty much anyone should be able to make aerial photos for the development projects.
  • That's pretty neat. It looks like the pictures were taken last winter, since they show part of Michigan Avenue ripped up downtown.
  • I thought that they had actually taken the pictures early this spring based on the new growth on some of the trees. Either way its nice to finally have the bird's eye for the lansing area.
  • Well I saw some snow, that's why I said winter.
  • I'm really glad they finally got this for Lansing. It will make it a lot easier for me to render things right in Sketchup and visualize an area without having to drive through it.
  • Just a few updates on a couple of small projects:

    "Zanders Old Town Brewery"
    They plan on completely remodling the building, and adding a taproom. I don't beleive this is supposed to be like a microbrewery with a resturaunt and everything, though there will be a taproom. This should be pretty neat, and it fixes up a nasty, plain building. It is supposed to be done by August of 2008.

    Annabelles Doggy Daycare:
    This project will cost something like $1 million (according to LSJ.) It will include a pretty decent rennovation of a plain, outdated office building, I had hoped to see get tore down. I posted the siteplan and elevations from the city council agenda packet.


  • edited December 2007
    I remember a mention of this sometime back, but what's going on at what used to be that hobby store at Marshall and Michigan next door to the Muslim grocery store? Does Gillespie already have tenants lined up or is this a speculative redevelopment of this rather large storefront on Michigan Avenue?

    BTW, the facade improvement being done to Clem's on Washington Square is turning out pretty nicely. I hope we see something of just as equal quality done to the facade of Kelly's across the street.
  • I know Tom is ready for it all to be over with. It's really hurt their business a lot. I haven't been by there in a couple of weeks, so I'll have to stop by and check it out.
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