General East Lansing Development



  • Couple of things. Here's an article from the LSJ regarding the development at Lake Lansing & Coolidge. Looks like the developer won out. It'll be interesting to see what ends up there.

    Second, though there is no official article on it, over at the Red Cedar Message board, they say that Lou & Harry's (at the corner of Albert & MAC) is moving up north next to Enso in the old Small Planet location. Not quite sure of this, as no bar has been successful up there. Its too bad that downtown EL loses a local business. Here is the thread.
  • edited December 2010
    The State News also has an article pertaining to 1525 W. Lake Lansing Road, and it's rezoning from a B-4 (office space) to a B-5 (retail) property. It's a vacant building owned by BCBS of Michigan, and the owner of Hall of Fame Cafe, right across the street, is happy to see it go. He actually claims that it's hurting his business, but I've driven by there dozens of times, and that building hasn't left any sort of impression on me.

    If LouHa's is really leaving Downtown, I think that'd be a major mistake. They'll be leaving behind an unreal amount of weekend bar traffic, and, as ptweready's already mentioned, that potential new locale hasn't exactly proven itself.
  • Lou Has left. They moved to where Small Planet used to be. They already own Enzo, and they can now have a 18+ crowd at their new location which will fit for all the kids in Chandlers. A new bar called Arena is supposed to be opening up where Lou Has is and Whats Up Dawg, which is on the side of Lou Has next to the Church is supposed to be opening up soon too.

    This is all according to the forum on
  • edited January 2011
    @JazperG: This is what I read on
    Ok it looks like the new Lou Ha's has been confirmed. They are moving into what was formerly Small Planet, then "Arena" and will now soon be the new Lou and Harry's
    The way I read it, it sounds like "Arena" is a bar that opened after Small Planet closed and has itself already closed. In other words, Lou & Harry's is moving in to the old location of "Arena" (which was the old location of Small Planet). Is that correct or did I read it wrong?
  • I just found a section on EL's website with tons of info on their grant application to replace the Amtrack station. Here's the site: East Lansing - Tiger

    Here are some renderings and a site plan:



    I forgot what happened to this, I thought I remember hearing something though. Does anyone else remember hearing anything on this?
  • As far as I can remember, the proposal didn't get funding from the stimulus. The city is still looking at doing the project, although they are looking elsewhere for funding.
  • I would like to talk about different things.

    1. A couple of weeks ago the LSJ published an article about Liquid Web, a growing IT company with multiple locations in Lansing, is having difficulty in finding qualified employees. This is troubling considering that the article says the company expects to add 300 employees in the next four years. Furthermore, if Lansing and East Lansing expect to continue to attract IT companies, then institutions in the region have to increase the capabilities of helping employers find the right candidates.

    2. Apparently the building that used to house the Spartan Dance Center will be renovated, as has been expressed here before (according to Capital Gains Media).

    3. A couple of IT-related firms are going to open offices in East Lansing, specifically at the University Place. Also, there has been movement above Barnes and Nobles and it looks like there are a few more tenants even though I think they're not private firms.

    4.Overall, there has been a lot of positive movement in the last couple of months in East Lansing. It has been reported that some businesses are moving out of downtown and farther away from Grand River, which I think is good as long as they stay in East Lansing. The more businesses that stay in East Lansing the better. Downtown is experiencing renovations and that space will always be valuable and demanded.
  • In other interesting grocery news from today, the L&L in East Lansing is scheduled to reopen soon (it closed on 2/28) according to its new owner. The LSJ reports that the Watha brothers, the new owners, are working on a new lease for the property.

    The Bros also apparently bought the L&L on MLK in Lansing, and plan to remodel the store with new refrigeration and flooring.
  • I'm glad to see at least a couple of the L&L stores finding new life. I'm even happier that the new owner plans to put some money into them because they really needed it. Too bad L&L had to mismanage their business.
  • To any of you unemployed, tired of current work or developing an entrepreneurial, consider opening a coffee shop in East Lansing and, specifically, in the downtown area. As a student at MSU, I have found that there is great demand for places to study, meet with people, relax, etc. You may think that there are enough already but by the amount of people that pack the library and the other coffee shops in the downtown area, there is clear need for more space. It doesn't even have to be another coffee shop. A bakery would be another, very much needed, addition to the downtown area. And, even though most students leave campus for the summer, I am sure business would be fine with normal hours during the academic year and even great if businesses extend their hours. There is great need for businesses like these and with the Broad museum opening soon businesses could also take advantage by being art oriented.
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