General Lansing Development



  • Yeah, the empty office space is located directly to the west of the North Precinct sector in the building. Last time I was by that way, it appeared the space was being used for storage.
  • edited April 2007
    Check this out, I was waiting to hear about this and was worried it didn't happen, but it appears that the Mutual Building will be filled when renovation is done. And, like the old proposal, they are adding a setbacked 6th floor, but this time for conference space with a patio. I was worried reading the blurb that they were going to change the exterior, but it sounds as if it's just going to be modernized on the inside. That's great, because the exterior is very rare for the area:

    Mutual Building to get new look, sixth floor
  • Talk about a slow development year...

    Anyway, it appears according to next week's Lansing City Council agenda that the 4-story, River North, 'Loftiminiums' in Old Town are still moving foward. I wonder when Mr. Karp (redeveloper of the Arbaugh) will formally announce this thing?

    Oh, and 3rd Ward councilman Randy Williams resigned due to what remain mysterious health reasons. It will be interesting to see who the council chooses.
  • Karp has already received deposits for the purchase of most of the units, I am on his mailing list. He even sent preliminary floor plans and a site plan, but no renderings. I cant find the email right now, but I'm sure I didn't delete it.
  • Really? I wonder why he didn't formally announce it? I never get why Lansing developers don't more publically market their projects? Hood, shoot me an email with the floor and site plans. I'd be interested to see, at least, how it's going to be layed out. See if you can find out who the architect is, and any other facts.
  • edited April 2007
    Tonight, the Lansing City Council finally approved the transfer of the day-to-day management to Ingham County, in essence, making the zoo a regional authority. It's now owned by the city and operate by the county saving shrinking Lansing millions of dollars in management/operational costs. The lease is for a period of time, and is conditional.
  • edited April 2007
    Old Town condos expanding

    Looks like One the Grand is going to finally be completed. These 12 new units will be along Dodge River Drive on the north side of the site. This is much faster than imagined.
  • nice to hear! as this is the third phase, and with each phase having a slightly different design, how do you think the design will change this time?
  • I doubt alot. The only reason the second phase changed was because they only had one floorplan available, whereas the first phase had 3 or 4, if I remember correctly. I suspect these will be a lot like the second phase as it's cheaper to build one floor plan than multiple ones. Like most everything the design aspects have only changed because of money, unfortunately. lol

    I'm excited because this shows a solid interest in the area. For awhile, I was wondring if the second phase was ever going to get built, and now we're talking about the other phase being completed.

    I really have to go out and get city center photo tour, again. Printers Row Phase II is wraping up, among a whole lot of other things that need to be photographed.
  • Yeah, a photo tour on my behalf is needed too. I have got to plan to try and make some time to go out and take photos. I think I'll actually be able to do so pretty soon though.
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