General Lansing Development



  • I'm not sure if Gillespie has tenants lined up, but he should be doing a highy quality rennovation since he is able to apply for tax breaks. I wish he would add a second floor though.

    As for clems, I really like the new facade I just hope that they also replace the storefront. It would be stupid to put that much money in the facade just to leave the old storefronts.
  • I'm fairly certain that I heard they were. I can check with Tom and get back to you all.
  • They are indeed rehabbing the store front at Clem's:
  • I had no idea that the rennovation of these storefronts was as extensive as it is: Nakfoor Putting $1.2 Million Into New Washington Square Lofts

    They spent $1.2 million on this little project. I also had no idea that they added a third floor. Now what I really have to do is stop being lazy and get out to take pictures of all this stuff, it's way, way too long since my last photo update.
  • I took some photos when i was up in Lansing over the Thanksgiving holiday,but i haven't got around to posting...

    what website would you recommend that I upload then to that works best for this site?
  • edited December 2007
    Hood, the third floor comment is kind of confusing. It sounds to me like they mean they added an extra loft in the back, which may only be one floor while the front of the building has two floors. BTW, I can't think of a facade renovation where they don't include the reconstruction of the groundfloor storefront. I think that is a requirement of these grants and loans.

    BTW, it looks like Capital Gains answered my last question:

    MSU Plans Move to Renovated 4,000 Square Foot Eastside Lansing Location

    The Gillespies are taking over this city. lol
  • I think the third floor is in the back half of the building, at least thats what I assume. I wish they could have added a third floor up front though.
  • I don't think there is near enough information about Ballpark North, as the towers will likely be later phases, and are for all purposes, little more than concepts at the moment. Kalamazoo Gateway can probably be added, but I rarely do much of anything with, anymore. I have limited access to the internet these days. As for the renderings of MSP and CCT, the only way to do that is to get permission from the developers of these projects. MSP is also not under construction. It is not under construction until piles are driven for the foundation.
  • I honestly don't remember. You may simply want to make a request on the messageboards there.
  • edited December 2007
    Yet another building going up in the Frandor area, this one will be two floors along saginaw and be almost 30,000 sq ft. It will be built between the Walgreens and the new building with the Starbucks. They will be tearing down an old two floor office building for this and it says construction should start in March. Also, they are building a new strip mall on the lot where the Lazeez grill burnt down, I assume they will tear down the neighboring building when they get the new one done.

    Saginaw frontage


    Site plan
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