New Vision Lansing

edited September 3 in Lansing
Making a new thread for this project...

Tower on the Grand, a 25 floor 292 unit apartment building plus a five floor 315 space parking garage attached via an elevated deck. Slated to break ground in Q3 2024:

Capitol Tower, a 6 floor building with 80 apartments, 36k sq ft of office space and 102 underground parking spaces to break ground in Q4 2024. An additional 7 three floor townhomes (not shown) along Ottawa will be constructed later:

Washington Square Apartments, an existing 10 floor office building converted into 60 apartments along with the demolition of a modern two floor office building nearby to build a 4 floor 100 space parking ramp with ground floor retail. Work expected to begin Q2 2024:


  • Did you catch the height on the Tower on Grand? I didn't see anything on the drawings, though they are elevation drawings.
  • Nah, it look like the elevation marks are cut off on the right of that floor profile view. 25 floors with a 30' first floor should make for the tallest building in the city by a good margin.
  • edited February 26
    City Pulse has an article on this project. They're somewhat critical of what they say is a change in workforce housing from all 450 units to 150 units. I don't remember them saying in any of the articles that all of the housing would be workforce, I thought they said initially that it would be mixed income housing? Regardless, there's not much new insight in the article but it is probably still worth the read.,87872
  • I think I recall it at least being implied that ALL the units were going to be affordable, since that was the focus of the state grant. But a third of them is still pretty significant. Tower on Grand will still have affordable units, right? BTW, who is the architect? Still wanting to find out the height of Tower on Grand since they gave it for Capitol Tower.
  • I don't see any watermarks on any of the renderings or mention of the architects or companies involved. From the look of the buildings I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are from different architects, they're very different designs. I still wish they'd drop the idea of covering Grand Ave up, the tower looks like a beautiful building, it'd be shame to make it so hard to see from close up.

    I watched the committee of the whole meeting on YouTube and Gentilozzi mentioned that the riverfront walk on the back side of Tower on the Grand will be cantilevered out over the river to be wider with city approval. They will also build a pedestrian bridge over the river at their expense.

    On a side note, I haven't watched Council in a very long time. How is Adam Hussein on City Council? He was combative and borderline unprofessional. Anyone watched with any frequency? Is that a typical trait or unique to what I saw today?
  • He and Jeremy (the vice president) are probably two of the most conservative members of council. It's really unfortunate that they were given the top leadership positions. Adam also strikes me as not being particularly bright. Anyway, that's Jody's son for you. Sorry to be blunt, but they don't worry about it, so neither do I. lol
  • What I had a problem with today didn't seem related to his political leanings but absolutely gives credence to your theory on intelligence. Check it out beginning about 1:55:00

  • The city finally accepted the grant for New Vision, last night, and are very keen that the skyscraper happens and is given priority.
    While more discussion has to happen for a new or renovated city government campus, the $40 million for the $228 New Vision Lansing project will be given out to developers in reimbursements: $20 million for the skyscraper, most recently set for 26 stories, and $20 million for the other buildings.

    "If that tower doesn’t get built, that will absolutely be catastrophic in terms of our ask in the future to the state," Council Vice President Adam Hussain said.
  • edited July 30
    They changed Tower on Grand AGAIN, and I'm not liking this change, at all. Worst design, yet.


    Anyway, the news we got from the WLNS interview, tonight, is that they've already done soil borings to test the earth beneath. Gentilozzi then mentions what caissons are. lol Washington Squared project has apparently already started with prep work. Capitol Tower on Ottawa is waiting on some brownfield reimbursement or something.
  • I definitely like the golden colored facade better, but even if it ends up like this Lansing could sorta use a glass tower in the skyline. That being said I don't know what to make of it, the TV spot showed the previous rendering as does Gentilozzi's own site. On his own site he shows a different, uglier, Capitol Tower rendering that hasn't been used anywhere else. Go figure.

    My understanding from his comments that he's just waiting on brownfield approvals now? I didn't miss or forget any such thing going through council in past months?
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