Streets & Transit



  • Maybe people already know this, S.Washington Ave will be closed at the CN tracks starting Monday. I am hoping that is for building a new crossing there, the road has really gotten bad. Also, I finally figured out that the part of the River Trail that is being worked right now is on western Moores River Driver, they are repairing the collapsing bank there and have the street closed at Westgate. I was thinking they were starting at the other end of the street.
  • Yes, both these are correct, though the track work is more maintenance and repair. The Lansing Public Safety Department keeps residents abreast of their work on their social media accounts if anyone is interested.

  • S. Washington Ave is open again after the RR crossing repairs. I had hoped they would install a crossing like the new one on Waverly, but they just blacktopped it. It is much improved but will need doing again soon with the blacktop lasting a shorter time. It was so quiet with the street closed. That was nice.
  • Looks like the council voted last night to remove the parking ban on streets between 2AM and 5AM, and abolished the parking permit system enacted last night. I'm glad to see it go. Cars would still need to be moved for snow plowing and such, but no more people having to have to find night parking, especially in denser neighborhoods.
  • I think overnight parking will be fine here in Lansing, we have had it on my block for years already with no problems. The one problem I could see coming up is abandoned or derelict vehicles just left parked in front of your house.
    Over in Montreal they really know how to clear the streets of snow. They have on-street overnight parking there and every block has a warning sign with a light that flashes when a snow emergency is called. The light comes on before the crews are headed to that block and you have about an hour to move your car. First, the tow trucks take any cars still parked, then a whole group of plows and machines come down the block and on many streets actually remove the snow from the street and sidewalk not just plow it into piles on the side of the street. In Mass. they just have "snow emergency routes" where no parking is allowed during snow events. The thing that is tricky with that is the authorities have to call the emergency before the snow starts, at times that is the middle of the night so a lot of cars get towed, [towtruck Holiday!] and sometimes the forecast is wrong and people get upset thinking they had to move their car or it was towed for[they think] no reason. Once people get used to whatever system it works well. I never got towed!
  • I mean, the truth is that the parking ban between 2AM and 5AM was never really enforced, anyway. So this really just makes official what's been going on de facto for years. We live in a snowy climate, so we're better at it than places where it's more rare. People are pretty considerate of clearing the streets to let the plows through.
  • I was driving through Frandor today and noticed that the westbound lanes where grand river and saginaw merge together have been paved over. I tried to find the project information online to figure out if they are going to do the whole area but there was nothing on the MDOT, Ingham County, Lansing, or East Lansing websites. Does anyone know the scope of the project and/or who is actually paving this?

    Let me tell you it was a long time coming, and I really hope they pave all the streets around the speedway island because it's a struggle getting through that area without hitting a bad bump with your car! I remember hearing that they were going to put a light up at clippert ave and grand river where there is currently a stop sign, I am hoping that is happening soon as well.
  • Looks like it is MDOT after all. I emailed them and they sent over the press release. I asked them about the EB lanes and if they are going to put in the light at N Clippert sometime soon. I'll update this post when I hear back.
  • I received an email back from MDOT just now regarding the EB lanes, there are no plans at this time to repave that section as the WB lanes were done with leftover funds. They said they will be looking into it again if/when funds become available once more. Kind of a shame they aren't redoing it all but I'm glad there was some maintenance at least!

    Sorry for the triple post, I didn't see a way to edit this into my previous post.
  • edited October 2020
    Nice dective work. I notice it'd been repaved the other day; a godsend. But, yeah, the eastbound really needs it, too, particularly the block between Homer and the first Frandor driveway, and specifically the southern lanes. When I'm coming down Saginaw to access Frandor, I try to stay out of that southern lane until I absolutely have to get over, which can be tricky and dangerous given the amount of traffic on this section of road. I feel sorry for the visitors who don't know about these potholes on a rainy day when the water covers them. I've almost wrecked my suspension more than once along that short section of road.
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