General Lansing Development



  • I was not saying you are those things. I was using a "little" humor:} I know we have a different pages for ease of finding information that we are interested in. I really do appreciate all the posts here and the posters!

  • edited February 2019

    From the Planning Board.

    Last month's minutes:

    • Though the planning department originally recommend the board reject the proposal to rezone the old Kmart on Cedar Street for use as a self-storage facility, the developers came back with a slightly revised plan, which the board approved on a 5-2 vote. I was kind of surprised. Usually, it's the planning office that's really bullish and the board that's more conservative. It seems like the compromise offered was that the developer said they'd offer two outlots for seperate commercial development so that at least it'd partially cover up the storage facility as seen from the road.

    • The board unanimously recommended the Eastside Connector trail for approval.

    • The board also unanimously recommended the Bear Lake Pathway for approval.

    • They also unanimously recommended the authorization to sale the Townsend Parking Garage to the Michigan Senate. And interesting thing on this one was that one of the board members voiced a concern about parking availability and how the downtown will need more. The Public Service Director made clear that not only is there an oversupply of parking downtown, but that they're projections are that demand will actually lessen as downtown regrows. I'm was glad to actually here someone from the city government say this. Anyway, the city will get $18 million from this sale if it goes through.

    • Finally, since this one was already on a council agenda we know it made it to council, but the special land use to reuse the North Larch substation was recommended for approval unanimously. We find out from the minutes that the owner has already been gutting the building to prepare it for reuse since he bought it from the city.

    This months agenda:

    • The only major thing on this months agendas are a set of large acquisitions of land for parks in Lansing. Lansing landed some Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grants and will be using them to purchase:
    1. A parcel of land across the Cavanaugh from Hawk Island adjacent to the River Trail. If you've ever been down the River Trail this way it's the strip of land with three old houses that seem to be in the middle of nowhere. Last time I was down that way, it seemed at least one was still used as a residence, but they all must be empty now, I imagine.

    2. A parcel of land on Wise Road across from Davis Park on the southwest side. This is a small, unimproved, rectangular lot immediately north of the park.

    3. A square parcel of land at the end of East Willard on the northwest side adjacent to Mt. Hope Cemetery and Scott Woods Park.

    4. And finally a parcel adjacent to the Hunters Ridge subdivision adjacent the Hunter and Fulton parks on the southwest side on the Grand River. I think this was talked about a few years ago where Lansing's old boat club used to be or something. The buildings are still present on-site.

  • The annual State of the City is tomorrow, and as usual, the mayor is teasing exciting revelations. Let's see what we get.

  • More green space is great news.

  • I read Mayor Andy's speech and did not find any big new announcements, more like a review of what has already been announced. I did like his vision for the future looking at everything from the road up for improvements to make in our city. I was hoping for a Red Cedar starts next month, or here is where we will build a new PAC, but nothing like that.

  • there's not gonna be a Red Cedar start

  • start getting excited for my plan instead!!! :)

  • MJMJ
    edited February 2019

    ...and Grache's masterplan

  • I can wait to see it!

  • Haha, not trying to be too irreverent....

    Real question: is any of the drain work moving forward with the Red Cedar/Frandor project site? I was under the impression (or maybe just hoping) that some of the Drain Commissioner's work was going to happen independently of the Red Cedar development. Like maybe the stormwater stuff they were planning around the Frandor hill? Not sure if that would make any sense in terms of engineering and phasing, but I think those would be nice improvements to that area.

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