General Lansing Development

edited August 2021 in Lansing
This is a thread for general Lansing development, the smaller projects and general discussion.


  • Some possibly interesting things to watch for in tomorrows council meeting:

    "c. Amendment to ACT-18-04; 500 Block of E. Michigan Ave., Lansing Board of Water & Light easement for Stadium District"

    "d. Issuance of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) for the Prudden Place Development Phase II Project"

    Hopefully for both of these projects we can hear some more definative timelines.

    "e. ACT-3-06; 206 S. Washington, Outdoor Seating in Right-of-Way"

    "2. Letter from the City Clerk submitting Licenses and Bonds for City Council approval: A request from MKE, Inc. to Transfer Ownership of a 2004 Class C Licensed Business located in Escrow at 2457 N. Cedar, Holt, MI 48842, Delhi Township, Ingham County, from Citizens Bank; and Transfer location (Governmental Unit)(MCL 436.153(1) to 206 S. Washington Square, Lansing, MI 48933, Ingham County (Step 2) Request to Add New Dance-Entertainment Permit."

    206 S Washington is the building next to Ranney that was recently remodled, it appear that a club may be moving in there, if so thats great news.

    "6. Letter from the Board of Water & Light submitting a copy of the Agreement to Sell between the City of Lansing and the Stadium District Partners LLC, regarding the Sale of Property located South of E. Michigan Ave. between Cedar and Larch St. (Easement to the Stadium District Project)"

    "1. Notice of Intent to Establish a Condominium Project filed by an Attorney on behalf of Capitol Properties Group LLC for property located in the 220 & 222 S. Washington Square 'Washington Place Condominiums' "

    This is the old Rite Aid building, I'm curious to hear more about these plans, I'm wondering if it will even use the existing buildings.
  • 206 is such a strange building for Washington Square. Who'd have ever thought that we'd have a building with a built in balcony on Washington Square? I certainly didn't expect it.
  • I think it is odd, but pretty cool also. In concept it sounds ugly and out of place, but I think it looks pretty decent, it doesn't hurt the character of the area at all.

    What I'm really interested in is the old Rite Aid building, I wonder how extensive modifications will be to the outside. Its one of the ever-shrinking number of ugly facades left on Washington Sq, the next one I hope to see fixed is Kelly's.
  • Do you think that after the Rite Aid building is converted to lofts, and a number of the smaller buildings are replaced with lofts, that in about 20 years or so, there will be the lofts being replaced by businesses? In other words, do you think this runs in cycles?
  • I really kind of doubt it. I think the second floors along Washington Square will be residential, at least for my lifetime. I expect any new commercial space to form along the side corridors.

    Why would the Rite Aid building facade be changing anytime soon, esepcially considering they JUST did a facade modifications what, a year ago, was it?
  • edited June 2007
    This is listed in tonights council agenda:

    "1. Notice of Intent to Establish a Condominium Project filed by an Attorney on behalf of Capitol Properties Group LLC for property located in the 220 & 222 S. Washington Square 'Washington Place Condominiums' "

    I wasn't aware that they did any facade alterations at all, what did they do?

    Also, check out this property listing:
    It would be HUGE if this got developed right...
  • The page doesn't work.

    Anyway, they put up a whole new facade (a cheap GFRC/EIFS facade) over the former concrete rite-aid facade.
  • I was able to find the page after a little work. Here is an image of the property from the site:


    Try this for the link:
  • edited August 2006
    I live across from the old A-to-Z lot, and it is SUCH and eyesore. It was even when it use. A-to-Z Rental which rented out mechanical equipment is a business I always thought you'd find on the outskirts of a city. It's always been a dirt lot very unfitting of the area.

    I knew Vhalakis was trying to sell this land, but I had no idea the city was pushing for commercial usage, which is great. I'd been under the impression the real estate agents were pushing for a reuse of the site as a warehouse/light industrial district, which would have been horrible, IMO.

    They've been trying to sell or rent this land for quite awhile, now, though. Hopefully, as the Stadium District gets under way and we see new signage and stuff, this land will become desirable. The neighbors certainly deserve it (i.e. Riverfront Apartments, East Shiawassee/Oak Park, Prudden Place, MotorWheels...). This would make a great retail district.
  • BTW, I got an email back a few days ago (my internet was down for a few days) concerning the 7-Block Area on the western end of downtown Lansing at Kalamazoo Butler/MLK from the Planning Director. To my dismay, he says that another tolling agreement was put out that gives the Eyde's until June of NEXT year to do something with the land. This is getting ridiculous. The 7-Block area has been in limbo for over 7 years right now, and I want the city to grow some balls and demand that the Eyde's quit pushing for an office building, or take the land away from them. That would require legal action, but SOMETHING is got to be done. This very visble end of downtown looks embarassing, especially considering this is a capital city. No city should literally have open fields.
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