General East Lansing Development



  • This would be one of the best sites to develop something really great, I also hope someone else decides to develop this site. A dispensary would really be a waste of a huge space. Think "Gage" on MLK a small building however nice, surrounded by blacktop. That would be a shame IMO. Is this lot in Lansing? I thought EL was not going to have any pot shops right next to campus.
  • Offhand, I think the dealership site is probably about as far from campus as the dispensery that is under construction on the east side of East Lansing. I agree that would be a huge waste of space for a dispensery... I would have to think a muliti-million dollar mixed use building would bring in more revenue than a pot shop, but who knows?
  • Maybe a nice little dispensary in the Student Union would be a good idea, keep the kids on campus! Just kidding!
  • Well, the two vacant council seats have been filled:

    East Lansing City Council made history Saturday with the appointment of two new council members, creating the first council with people of color in the majority.

    Mayor Aaron Stephens, Mayor Pro Tem Jessy Gregg and Council Member Lisa Babcock unanimously appointed Dana Watson and Ron Bacon to the two vacant seats.

    Watson has a background in public health and serves on the Planning Commission. Bacon also has a background in health and the former chair of the Human Relations Commission.
  • I saw that. I, for one, am really excited that the EL city council is now made up of a younger group of individuals with strong levels of community involvement. Although Woods, Altmann, Beier, Meadows gave the appearance of community involvement, they all seemed to govern from their own self-serving bubbles and really stymied the city's growth over the past 5+ years on a number of different levels. I hope the next year or two is one where some positive, permanent change is made in how EL operates!

    Interestingly enough, it looks like EL is also going to try to add city council members to improve representation:
  • I've always thought the council was too small, so I'm excited to hear about expanding it. Heck, even a dinky general law township has to have five members; East Lansing is more than large enough to justify a council larger than 5 members.
  • I am really happy with the choices that were made to fill the vacant council seats. The new members are well qualified and have plenty of community experience. I am also excited about the prospect of a larger city council. I hope that East Lansing can have wards the same way that Lansing does, it is nice to know you have a specific council member that will speak for your neighborhood.
  • Things on East Lansing City Council agenda next week:
    • Approving a negotiation with NAI Mid-Michigan for them to help market the 26.8 acre city-owned parcel at the southwesst corner of Coleman and West roads in the Northern Tier.
    • Public hearings for site plans and special use permits for three adult-use marijuana retail establishements (3315 Coolidge, 1950 Merritt and 1234 East Grand River). These had all been approved for medical marijuana, but must go through the process again to recreationally sell marijuana.
    • Public hearing for a special use permit for using part of the retail space at 300 West Grand River for a fitness center for the residents of the property and the other DTN-managed properties in the area.

    Also next week is a special Planning Commission meeting:
    • Public hearing for a site plan and special use permit for the Walgreens that Jared mentioned in part of the retail space for the Abbot. The special use permit is because they want to sell beer and wine.
    • More discussion on MSUFCU building proposed just north of the Abbot. The commission wanted clarification on a technical point from their July 22nd meeting, so nothing that looks like it will hold up their approval any longer.
  • I really like the idea of the fitness center in 300 West Grand River. DTN had been struggling to find a retail occupant and at one point I believe they requested to change over the retail to residential which got denied. Even though I'd like it to be publicly accessible, this will still bring foot traffic from their other apartment buildings to the retail nearby.
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