General Lansing Development



  • I went by the old Lake Trust building today and they had a banner up on the fence with a rendering saying City View apartments. The name lines up with this plan:, but I'm pretty sure the rendering was
    a little different.
  • edited August 2021
    Wow, quite a difference they did with the former Lake Trust Headquarters.


    However, I vaguely remember the residential building renderings.


    BTW, apart from West Junior High, the other PILOTs are Walter French, Port Senior Apartments downtown, and Cedar Place on Jolly just west of Cedar. In all, the four PILOTs will retain or create 469 affordable housing units in the city.
  • I am impressed with these drawings, and there are no dated flat slab rooftop features! I will have to go take a look, but the drawings have City Hall signage depicted, I was just wondering if this was a hint that City Hall is moving or just a hopeful idea?
  • I noticed while I was out running today that American Asphalt was laying asphalt for the Bear Lake Pathway. They were doing the section from Wabash north to Forest Rd through the Beekman property. I'm guessing that the section from Wabash south to Cavanaugh will be done tomorrow or Friday. I can't wait!
  • If they actually do the entire Lake Trust block the way that's depicted there then I'd be a pretty happy guy. I noticed they had some new equipment there today, including an excavator over by the small office building, they may be tearing that down. I wonder if they're just remodeling the old HQ building or if they're starting on any of the new construction?

    As far as it being the new City Hall I think that idea is still in limbo, more dead than alive. I'm still generally against the moving of City Hall but this building is a far better option than the LSJ building. It would still leave the question of what to do with the jail because what's depicted there certainly isn't large enough to include the jail and courts.
  • edited August 2021
    Local media picked up the West Junior story:

    LANSING, Mich. — The downtown building that once housed Lansing's West Junior High could become a low-income senior apartment complex.

    General Capital Group, a Wisconsin real-estate development company, is hoping to purchase the building from the Lansing School District and turn it in to 85 senior apartments.

    District officials say they’re hoping the sale moves forward, especially since the location adjacent to the district's Administration Building has been vacant for 13 years.
    The three-story, 140,000-square-foot structure at 500 Lenawee St. was built in 1921 as a junior high and later served as the district's Education Center.

  • I took a look at the Lake Trust site and saw the depiction on the new signage, it does not very much like the depictions above, there seems to be a lot of the former cement façade included, it did not look "bad" but it is not all glass and light, so I guess the drawings are older. They were working in the building doing some interior demolition and there was excavating going on in the old parking lots. I wonder if the whole block is going to be constructed at the same time, the depiction on the fence sign just featured the "Lake" building.
  • I finally looked at the rendering on the banner for the Lake Trust site and all I can say is "meh". I don't mind them leaving the concrete facade largely or entirely intact but I do wonder about what they'll be adding to it, it's hard to tell from what I could see. I have my doubts about them doing any new construction but they are beginning to rip up the parking lot along Hillsdale so it should be apparent within a couple months or so if they're doing anything other than just repaving the lot there.
  • edited September 2021
    The next economic development and planning committee packet is out for next week. Here is a first draft off the proposed Walter French renovation. Didn't realize this was including some commercial space.

  • Great to see this is happening! If they could tame the traffic on S Cedar this area could become another "urban village/town" center like Old Town. How about "Frenchtown" [I know there is nothing very French there but the name is Old Lansing] or "South Cedar Village"?
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