General Lansing Development



  • Just a small update, I finally made it by the old Holmes St school and saw that work is under way there. My only gripe is the windows, I'm a pretty huge proponent of putting historically accurate windows in old schools that fill up the whole space where the old windows go. They did not do that here, they put in small house-sized windows that take up only a small portion of the window opening. I think this is a mistake, having the proper windows in a building like that is one of the most impactful things you can do for the aesthetics of the inside or outside. Of course I'm pretty much beating a dead horse here...

    I continue to be dumbfounded by decisions like these, I'm holding my tongue on the windows I see going in Clara's right now.
  • I'm right there with you @hood. I hate being part of a project that doesn't at least consider historically accurate windows. There are sometimes legit reasons. I often find that some older schools end up switching off of steam heat, so there is a need for ductwork. The schools tend to want it covered, so then you have a drop ceilings requiring some type of panel at the top of the windows, reducing the original height. Like I said, I don't like it...but sometimes it's hard to avoid whether it's the client, cost or practicality.

    Now, the lansing buildings where they infield the opening with stucco/EIFS and then putting tiny windows is the worst. I haven't been by the Holmes school, but I assume that's that it's similar to. They ruined buildings like Sexton and Eastern with there "upgrades". Sexton was meant to have a vertical appearance and large windows.

    Anyways, just my two cents. I too can't believe how horrible Clara's is looking. Just such a cheap, short-sighted decision. I can only imagine how destroyed the interior is. Was Studio Intrigue the architect on that project?
  • @Lymon89 Yeah, the window openings at Holmes St are boxed in, just the vapor barrier there now so hard to say what they'll clad it in. Agreed on Eastern and Sexton. I'm really hoping to see Sparrow put the right windows in Eastern and it'd be amazing to see the school district try to restore the aesthetics of Sexton someday although that seems a pretty far off dream.

    I'm really not sure what to expect inside of Clara's, I want to believe that Gillespie wouldn't be so dumb as to ruin that. I have no idea the architect, no logos on the floor plan or renderings on his site.
  • Next week's brownfiled authority meetings introduces us to a project that would replace the huge surface lot east of the rail road tracks between Michigan and Shiawassee. Neogen is proposing a large expansion that would create a 3-story manufacturing and research facility of 176,000 feet. Given that it's going to include research space, too, the expectation would that this has some kind of exterior design effects beyond your typical manufacturing facility. No renderings, yet.

  • Oh wow, that's unexpected and pleasant news. I pretty much expect them to put effort into making the Shiawassee frontage look good, any extra effort beyond that would be appreciated.
  • They have the brownfield plan for the Neogen project in the 6/13/22 City Council packet:

    Looks like they're projecting a $71 million cost and 60-100 new jobs. There is a sort of site plan that roughly outlines the buildings on page 16 but no renderings. It looks like there will be two separate buildings, one along Shiawassee attached to the old warehouse and the other just behind the new addition.
  • The LSJ ran a story on the REO Gateway under construction at the old Deluxe Inn site. They give no new details on the project besides mentioning that it will be 72 units, and also mentioned as a side not that their project in the Cherry Hill neighborhood is still planned.
  • Well, that was quick. The council called a special meeting to approve the brownfield plan for the Neogen expansion on Shiawassee:

  • I noticed some exterior work starting on the "skyway" over the river downtown. I have not seen any depictions of what the new bridge will look like. I am hoping for at least "not bad" in any case it will have to be better than the '80s airport ramp design that we have had to look at for so long. I also noted new sidewalks with some brick borders being installed on Grand Ave. Maybe that will help market some of the long vacant properties along that street.
  • I'm optimistic the Neogen building might happen relatively quickly, the LSJ article said if all necessary approvals go through they could start construction in late summer or early fall of this year. There's a of change potentially in store for the Cedar/Larch/Shiawassee area in the next few years.

    I'm also anxious to see what they do with the skywalk. The LSJ article says there will be adding "architectural panels lining the bridge’s outside" which kinda sounds like they're just adding cladding over the existing structure, I'm not sure how that may turn out. It really depends on how they do the windows.
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