City Center Studios
Umm...can I just say, AWESOME? Really, who say this coming? Sounds like it's going to sit on the former A-to-Z Rental lot across the street from Riverfront Towers & Apartments. Gillespie is just going crazy with development, it seems. It's good to see Lansing jump on this before any other city in the state does. I can see media and entertainment becoming a significant piece of our economic puzzle.

Proposal May Deliver Movie Magic to City
Jeremy W. Steele • Lansing State Journal • June 3, 2008 • From Lansing State Journal
Lansing may be ready for its Hollywood close-up.
And to make sure the capital city gets its take, a local developer and video production firm want to build a 71,000-square-foot studio and production facility downtown.
A team led by East Lansing's Gillespie Group and Lansing-based Ahptic Film & Digital are set to announce plans today for City Center Studios, which would have twin 24,000-square-foot soundstages large enough to handle a blockbuster.
It would likely be late 2009 before the studios could open, and no movie deals are yet in the works.
Proposal May Deliver Movie Magic to City
Jeremy W. Steele • Lansing State Journal • June 3, 2008 • From Lansing State Journal
Lansing may be ready for its Hollywood close-up.
And to make sure the capital city gets its take, a local developer and video production firm want to build a 71,000-square-foot studio and production facility downtown.
A team led by East Lansing's Gillespie Group and Lansing-based Ahptic Film & Digital are set to announce plans today for City Center Studios, which would have twin 24,000-square-foot soundstages large enough to handle a blockbuster.
It would likely be late 2009 before the studios could open, and no movie deals are yet in the works.
This project ought to be really neat, and very unique, at least for this state. As usual, I just can't wait to hear and see more details about it, and of course, see it break ground.
I can't think of what would hold this up. I believe the Eyde's owned the land, but I assume Gillespie bought it recently. He's been buying a lot of properties and land within the new "Stadium District". The only thing I see holding this up is the developers if they choose to. With there being so many different parties involved in this, the major concern is keeping them all together long enough to get this thing built.