General Lansing Development



  • edited August 2008
    Found these cool historic maps on the Ingham County website showing Lansing's borders when incorporated in 1859. North, East and South Streets were all named because they were borders.

    23.1859%20Lansing%20Middle%20Upper%20Bus%20Dist.%20300c.jpg 22.1859%20Lansing%20Lower%20Town%20Bus%20Dist.%20300c.jpg
  • edited August 2008
    I was looking around the Lansing Economic Development Corporation and found this:

    Lansing Performing Arts Center RFP (Request for Proposal)

    I had no idea they sent out a formal Request for Proposal concerning the arts center. Apparently, it was just sent out in Late July, and they are looking for responses by September 12. How this didn't make any local news is kind of surprising, unless the city didn't want to draw attention to this.

    For some background and example, the Ottawa Street Station was also the subject of a RFP, which eventually came to fruition.
  • For some context, the Ottawa station RFP was to seek developers for the building. The performing arts center RFP is to find a firm that can figure out if it's needed and how it might be paid for.
  • Thanks for making that clarification. I really hadn't read through it. So, this is just a looking for someone for a feasibility study, which I guess is further than its ever made it before.
  • Does anyone on here have Magic Johnson's e-mail? You should see if he's interested. I heard that he tried an idea for the Ottawa Street power station a few years back...maybe he would throw out some money for the "Magic Johnson Performing Arts Center" and redevelop the Knapp's building!!!
  • Looks like they have started to clean out the rooms at the old Regent Inn.
  • I think this strip mall is the Pointe North Development
  • not one of Lansing's more cutting edge developments...
  • edited September 2008
    At the worst, it simply replaces the lack-luster building that was there, before. And, more on the positive, the property will certianly be more walkable than the previous. Given the location, this was a fair trade. Until the road system around Frandor gets reworked, this is what we're going to see.
  • edited September 2008
    Look at the area of town, its off a highway in a very heavily RETAIL environment... its at the intersection of MSU, East Lansing, and Lansing... its not in a "walkable area" (there are neighborhoods to the north, not sure how much foot traffic they contribute, but considering the large amount of residential in this area there is a world of improvement necessary from a walkability standpoint before we can really have a decent conversation on developments like this becoming more "walkable")... and while yes, its just a strip mall, its new development in an area that most wouldn't see much "new development" and its a hell of a lot better alternative than just defaulting all retail growth to the clusterwoode towne centre

    I think the look and feel of the development is going to be great, I just hope the users are there to fill it up and keep it active. Its much better than some vinyl awnings and a blue metal roof like you'd see out in delta twp., so we can at least be thankful for that.
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