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  • I've been reading a lot from https://twitter.com/holz_bau and Larch Lab - he gets into US transit oriented development - how we zone all density housing on loud, dangerous, and unhealthy corridors. Lansing bought into this in the FBC and while we ha…
  • @hood @MichMatters You both touched on good stuff - The Planning & Zoning Office is keeping track of all comments received about FBC/zoning and over half have been requests for ADUs. I do think it helps for those comments to be laid directly in…
  • In addition to R-MX and R-6b, you could also look at DT-1 for that triplex model. I'll be pretty frank - FBC was relatively conservative (by this forum's standards) by design because of who was in power and who was designing the actual text. The old…
  • @MichMatters yes the minimum width (contradicted by the zoning ordinance, but the subdivision ordinance governs) and depth-to-width ratio thing is out of control. Even the State's standard is 4:1. Planning & Zoning Office is working on an amendm…
  • We wanted it along Kalamazoo and Cherry but they couldn't make the numbers work with the floodplain. FBC has a stipulation to work around natural features and we can make a compromise for additional outdoor seating, bike racks, and rain gardens in t…
  • Here is a concept layout. Not getting the Baryames property is a missed opportunity and makes it clunky/hard to integrate into a traditional downtown layout, but Baryames owns it outright and it is prime downtown land so I'm sure if they were contac…
  • ICLB is proposing the same kind of row houses on a site on MLK at W Genesee and two of them on S Pennsylvania south of E Kalamazoo. I think it is becoming their go-to model to recoup costs and such. They have run into a few space issues with setback…
  • Planning Commission (5-2-23) voted to recommend approval of the Miller/Aurelius rezoning for the single-family/duplex development. There was some concern about street access points and removal of woodlands. Applicant said the entire development will…
  • The subdivision ordinance definitely needs an update so the city does not have to go through these bureaucratic processes. It reminded me of a case last year - the guy who bought that section of North Cemetery for multiple quadplexes. I just happen…
  • A full Planning Board packet just dropped. Of note are some details about H Inc.'s plan for that area by Saginaw and N Pennsylvania. It looks very copy and paste 4-unit, mini rowhouses. I hope the city or others can encourage him to add some variety…
  • Hepler/H Inc. is focusing on this block and has some understanding with the Land Bank for a serious modular/prefab housing development, but yeah definitely not moving swiftly enough to see any results besides more dilapidated structures. One of his…