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  • The new Neogen Brownfield only appears to include the westernmost three floor building and one floor section next to it, implying the other narrow one floor section and the easternmost three floor building are staying for now. I'm a little disappoin…
  • I'm huge fan of the murals around town, unfortunately I've noticed that multiple murals on the RiverTrail were defaced with garbage graffiti very recently, maybe within the past week, first time I've seen that in awhile and it was sad to see.
    in MSU Development Comment by hood July 21
  • No worries, I appreciate the insight nonetheless. I just went around measuring a bunch of the modern 5 over 1 style buildings on Google Maps and all came up in that range. For the dimension of the apartments wrapped around the garage I just measured…
  • Yeah, it has a path under the north embankment, the south pathway still crosses at street grade. I still always take the south pathway myself when passing through campus biking. I've been waiting to grab more pics until the bridge is complete and…
    in MSU Development Comment by hood July 17
  • I look at around at national trends and it seems to me that Lansing is far from oversaturated relative to a lot of other cities. I think if a brewpub offers a cool atmosphere, good service and good food they should survive. This place has an odd loc…
  • Which dimension are you talking about for the 120'-140' depth? All the recent apartment builds I measured in the stadium district, downtown and on Michigan Ave have a depth/width/short axis dimension of 55'-70'. I know that the apartments wrap…
  • The standalone apartment building is shown as 65' wide while the parking ramp wraparound is 40 ft deep. I've seen apartments built like that before, Grand Rapids had a similar apartment building/parking ramp built (38 Commerce Ave SW) maybe 10 years…
  • I was bored and started messing with my old Sketchup model of downtown, I wanted to add some of the new proposals but mostly wanted to visualize how the new block across from the CATA station might look with the new City Hall and apartments (and pos…
  • The Lansing area is getting a good bit of money from state earmarks again this year. There's very few details on most of the projects as of now, I'm sure more information will be available in the coming weeks as to what some of these are. Complet…
  • I will be happy if they're finally working on that. I was starting to get a bit worried for the future of that house.
  • I'm not exactly what blocks you're talking about on the Multicultural center but the last time I looked I'd guess you might be seeing the brackets for some vertical metal accent pieces for the facade, there's also some insulation that sorta matches …
    in MSU Development Comment by hood June 25
  • Yeah, the changes to Frandor's parking lots are hardly noticeable, not surprising that they wouldn't want to give up much parking. With any luck the area will continue to be redeveloped and the parking lots will be gone in the coming decades.
  • Sounds like there'll be an effort by community members to push for Eastern being saved: https://lansingcitypulse.com/stories/do-it-right,99403 I'm all for Sparrow using the building if they can but if they can't I hope they're at least willing to…
    in Sparrow Projects Comment by hood June 12
  • It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that the city has taken up over half of its borrowing limit on just the public safety bond. It's disheartening that of all the places we could have spent almost $200 million, most of it is going tow…
  • All the threads that get like this seem to have a lot of shares. I think people are sharing certain posts to other political activist-type subreddits or outside forums then people from said forums pile on with likes/dislikes. This also happens to an…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 11
  • I guess I considered the sale of city hall minor because it's been long expected. Skimming through the purchase agreement there's nothing too noteworthy. -Beitler is still the buyer and the plan appears the same for now -There's a soft requireme…
  • I've never posted, don't react to posts and very rarely comment on Facebook but do scroll my feed and keep up with family. It's unfortunate how just about everything gets politicized and divvied up between the left and the right, even moreso in rece…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 10
  • Yeah, I'm finding a silver lining in that I'm honing my debate skills, learning to avoid using fallacies, keeping on subject, avoiding personal attacks, etc... I've kinda found it helps me hone my own views as well, occasionally seeing somewhere I w…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 8
  • So, I went and did something I do very rarely: start a thread on Reddit. I made clear my disdain for the plan to tear down Eastern along with support for a mental facility and response from some people truly took me aback. All sorts of people perfec…
    in Off topic thread Comment by hood June 8
  • On a more positive note, there's a few small items worth mentioning on this weeks council agenda: -Approval of Helper's Wheel District NEZ (Maybe this moves forward this year yet?) -Setting a public hearing for the sale of City Hall -The old flow…