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I lost any respect for the form based code when they built that Taco Bell at MLK and Southland in an MX-2 zone.
https://austin.towers.net/take-a-virtual-tour-of-the-texas-capitol-complex/ Looks like Austin is building something reminiscent of Lansing’s Capitol Complex (even down to the name), complete with a pedestrian mall and underground parking. …
Idk, the setbacks look pretty significant. The conditions state that the front setback should only exceed the build-to line to accommodate a lane for safe travel. It looks big enough for parking, which isn’t allowed in the conditions. Maybe they’ll …
The construction of the Taco Bell at MLK and Southland seems to be moving along. That parcel is zoned MX-2 Mixed-Use Community Center, and it doesn’t seem to be meeting any of the form based code requirements. Oh well. I guess it will fit with the a…
I have no idea why the city has been so conservative with investments in the city City leadership is elected by residents of Lansing. To be honest, a lot of people here have a terrible outlook regarding almost anything new. And you hear it fr…
The city council agenda for next week shows hearings for OPRA applications for the 1102 S Washington Ave (cool old REO Town gas station) and 224 S Washington Sq (former hookah lounge) downtown. Last I heard about the REO Town property was that it wo…
I noticed they put a nice curb bump-out on St. Joseph downtown where you turn right onto Walnut. It looks like that whole right turn lane might become street parking. They had some bollards put up blocking it all off, I’d assume until they repaint i…
Pretty good update on the Red Cedar project from the LSJ. https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/2021/10/11/red-cedar-development-update/5935363001/ It’s subscribers only, but some highlights… -University Edge is fully leased…
According to their Facebook page, Pablo’s is opening a second location in one of the commercial spaces at the Venue building on Michigan (where Strange Matter is). It will be good to see some more of that retail space fill up.
I’m pretty sure Andy Schor has mentioned Saginaw and Oakland conversion as being on their radar. I’d love to see a way to revert both streets to two-way in their entireties, but even just keeping them one way and giving them a diet for like a mile a…
Wow, thanks for sharing! Good to see someone is looking into this kind of stuff. Those road improvements would be a game changer.
The mayor posted a ribbon cutting today at Metro Place and stated that by the end of the month the 145 unit development will be fully occupied.
I went by the old Lake Trust building today and they had a banner up on the fence with a rendering saying City View apartments. The name lines up with this plan: https://www.westpaccommunities.com/properties/city-view/, but I'm pretty sure the rende…
Has anyone heard anything or have any thoughts on if CATA will revive the BRT plan now that we have a public transit friendly administration looking to invest a ton of money into infrastructure?
The Downtown Lansing YMCA branch is closing down permanently. https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/2020/10/22/downtown-lansing-ymca-permanently-closed-coronavirus-covid-19/3727593001/ They cite COVID as a reason, but there was a …
Does anyone know how well the newer residential developments downtown are leasing? The Capital View (Oliver towers) seems to be doing well based on their social media, but I haven’t seen much at all about Metro Place (old YMCA site). I’m sure the Bl…
Has there ever been any talk of having an MSU presence in downtown Lansing? I think it would be a great idea to have some graduate level programs like law or political science there, given Lansing’s role as the capital city. Plus, the older students…
From the Development and Planning minutes... “Council Member Washington spoke in opposition to more residential and apartments in the area.” Is there like an annual downtown residential occupancy report? Last I heard it was pretty high. Wh…
They have a similar “something special coming soon” sign outside of the old Beer Grotto.
This comes up on the Lansing subreddit occasionally (normally because I bring it up) and a lot of people hate the idea. I imagine there would be a lot of pushback and litigation, but I’d still love to see it happen. Though I’d prefer that Eastwood b…