MSU Development



  • From my understanding, only the MSU Museum was to move into Museum Place and Kresge is the only museum involved in this project.
  • The MSU Physical Plant has published their Fall Newsletter. It has construction updates and more information.
  • edited February 2007
    The Chemistry Building Addition is nearing it's fifth floor. I will try to get a picture next time I'm at the bus station. The Chemistry Building has been one of my favorite building on campus due to its small setback. This addition puts it about 30 feet closer to the road.

    Update: Here's a picture of what it should look like when completed. The part that sticks out of the building on the front is the addition.

  • I found a site with pictures of the progress. Here's the most current picture of the outside (from Feb 13):


    The website is:
  • At the board of trustees meeting on Friday, the board approved a $16 million dollar budget for additions to the Duffy Daugherty building, and a variance to allow the building to be built closer to the road than zoned for. Construction should begin by June and should be finished by January 2009. The entire budget will be paid for by private donations.

    Old College Field, the place where the MSU baseball diamond is, will recieve a $1.3 million dollar upgrade when a batting area is built. The building will be built to withstand floods, as it lies within the Red Cedar floodplain.

    The former Human Ecology Building will now house the School of Planning, Design and Construction. The project should cost about $2.25 million, and will combine about four locations across campus that the department has been split among.

    More information can be found at this state news article:
  • They have begun to remove street side parking near Kresge Art Museum and the Chapel on campus. I am not sure if they are planning to redo the road and replace the streetside parking, but the trend that MSU is following means that the parking will not be replaced curbside. They are working to make campus roads safer for pedestrians and motorists, and the curbside parking has just too many blind spots on the curved streets of campus.
  • edited April 2007
    As a followup to the post right above. They have actually just replaced the streetside parking and redone the curbs for it. It will still remain.

    I got a picture of one of the buildings in the University Village development. It looks structurally close to being finished, and I would expect only interior work is being done now. It was a really good day for taking photos when I shot this.


    My PhotoStream on Flickr
  • edited May 2007
    Over the summer there will be heavy construction on campus, as this is the last summer before Farm Lane will be closed for the railway underpasses.

    Some of the projects being done this summer include removal of Dormitory Rd and East Circle Dr by the Psychology Building. Auditorium Rd will be rerouted to create an intersection at Bogue, near the bridge over the Red Cedar. The Duffy Daugherty building expansion should start in May, and there are a host of other projects.

    Here is a picture of the Duffy Daugherty building update:

    More information about construction projects/detours and updates can be found at:
  • edited May 2007
    Michigan State has announced plans to raise 34 buildings in Spartan Village at the end of the spring semester. 34 buildings is a lot, but there will still be quite a few buildings left. The utility lines will also be taken out along with the buildings.
  • I looked at the map of those scheduled for demolition in the paper, and it certainly didn't look like 34 buildings unless you count every wing as a seperate building. Either way, I was surprised they that they said they had no plans to replace them and that the space would be left greenspace for the forseeable future. I was almost certain they were going to do another University Village-type development there. I guess they must be trying to consolidate housing, and that site is too disconnected to make sense for them in their long-term housing plans.
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