MSU Development



  • I agree. I think they are also facing stiff competition from places like the northern tier and other new student housing developments.
  • I'd really like to see MSU start consolidating housing more centrally on campus, anyway. While the campus is a beautiful one, outside of North Campus, I've always thought the layout of housing, classroom space, and other usuages was really kind of patchy and odd.
  • The current locations also make it a pretty good walk to class for some students.
  • You're not joking. It's far enough for some students in the southern housing complexes (Case, Holden, Wonders...) to make it to classes on north campus, let along anything south of Trowbridge. It's best to just use a bus or a bike (when the weather permits), but it's still pretty far.
  • I was in EL yesterday, and I noticed the new facade on the Chemistry building is almost complete. The exterior is nearly done, with only the doorway-area left to finish up. It seems to be a nice add-on, but you sort of wonder why they felt the need to expand on such an old relic like the Chem building . . .
  • I think they're trying to turn that whole area into a physical sciences compound. The new Bio-Phys building, and the now renovated Chem building are joined together. I think consolidation is over due for many of these programs. I remember having physics and chemistry labs and classes is different buildings all over campus. Perhaps these new developments don't do too much to get rid of that, but hopefully that's what they're leaning towards.

    As far as the building goes, I haven't been to campus all summer, so I won't see it until August sometime. But I will say that I was surprised by just how big of an expansion it was (it didn't look that big in pictures).
  • edited July 2007
    Here's some interesting news from the State News about MSU 'going green'.

    MSU is installing green roofs on top of the Plant and Soil Sciences building and the Comm Arts building. They are also implementing "no-mow zones", where they will only mow the grass once a year or so (and the mowers run on biodeisel).
  • Jared -- that link is coming up incorrectly, here is the story:

    Why does the State News feel the need to put the term green roof in parentheses? It's either a green roof or it's not. Regardless, I am glad to see the University is taking initiative to leverage it's expertise and resources via Horticulture's Green Roof research.
  • edited July 2007
    I fixed the link above.

    Here is an update on the Broad Art Museum from the Larry Cosentino at The City Pulse:
    The shiny name on MSU’s last big cultural edifice will return to the Wharton Center July 18 to help choose the designer of the next.

    Dolores D. Wharton, of Wharton Center fame, and seven other leading figures in art, architecture, business, philanthropy and MSU history will convene to judge presentations by five world-renowned architectural firms for the commission to build the $30 million Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum.

    The central figure on the panel is … Read the rest of the article
    The meeting will be open to the public, and the designs will be unveiled. A selection will not be made at the meeting though.
  • Update on the Chem Building. It seems practically complete on the exterior. As I said earlier in the month, they still need to finalize the doorway, but they are much further along on that now. Re-landscaping out front might take a few days, but they look well on their way to finish before classes start.
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