Red Cedar Flats

edited August 2016 in East Lansing
Now that construction has gotten underway we should have a separate discussion page for the Red Cedar Flats project.

The project is planned for four buildings:
Building 1: First floor commercial (space #1: 2,725sq ft, space #2: 2,880 sq ft, space #3: 2,460 sq ft, space #4: 2,540 sq ft). 3-stories with 2 residence stories, 22 units
Building 2: 3-story residence, 30 units
Building 3: 3-story residence, 30 units
Building 4: 3-story residence, 30 units
Total units: 10,605 commercial sq ft, 112 residential units
Red Cedar Flats Site Plan Rendering

I posted a picture of the cleared site in mid-March.

I drove by it yesterday and the elevator towers are showing three floors and there is steel in place for the first floor.


  • I hope it looks better than the drawings. They look like a slight variation of more of the same. Lots of black top for students with two cars I guess.
  • The site plan rendering indeed shows lots of black top with buildings somewhat centered around the parking areas. This development, being close to the Red Cedar, could have put in parking under the buildings to prevent flood issues and made the area in the middle of the buildings a nice park for the residents.
  • The LSJ is reporting that units should be move-in ready in February. Most of the article is about Chappelle advertising an August move-in but then pushing it back to February after some delays with approvals. There are assumptions and posturing in the article, but no numbers of affected students. It is always risky to put a down payment on a place that is still under construction.
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