REO Town Development
Thought this neighborhood could use it's own catch-all post.
Two buildings will undergo a $700,000 renovation on Washington. 1149 South Washington at the corner with South Street will be renovated into space for an ad agency, Michigan Creative, and a coffee shop, Blue Owl Coffee Co. Up the block at 1141 South Washington where Lansing Uniform used to be a restaurant will go in on the ground floor with three apartments created above. Apparently, REO Brew School currently operates in 1149 South Washington and they will share the space with the coffee shop. Pretty interesting set-up if you ask me. lol The restaurant at 1141 South hasn't been nailed down, but they say they have three interested in the site.
1149 South Washington

1141 South Washington (red building with white trim, third from left)
Washington Avenue, REO Town by NewCityOne, on Flickr
Two buildings will undergo a $700,000 renovation on Washington. 1149 South Washington at the corner with South Street will be renovated into space for an ad agency, Michigan Creative, and a coffee shop, Blue Owl Coffee Co. Up the block at 1141 South Washington where Lansing Uniform used to be a restaurant will go in on the ground floor with three apartments created above. Apparently, REO Brew School currently operates in 1149 South Washington and they will share the space with the coffee shop. Pretty interesting set-up if you ask me. lol The restaurant at 1141 South hasn't been nailed down, but they say they have three interested in the site.
1149 South Washington

1141 South Washington (red building with white trim, third from left)

In fact, I'd like to see the building torn down and them put up a streetwall of storefronts along the whole Washington frontage, there, as the lot to the north has also been vacant forever. That whole block south of Baker and north of Mount Hope is poised for redevelopment. From within you've already got REACH Art Studio's redevelopment just north of the railroad tracks, and the little bar on the otherside of the block has remained throughout everything.
BTW, south of the neighborhood, I noticed they doing some (minor) renovation work on the old factory that houses Quality Dairy's headquarters (where they also make all of their containers, QDC Plastics) on Mount Hope. I don't know if it's just painting the outside, but they've done it. They also did some exterior paint job at the old steel meel just next door, Gerdau Lansing. Apparently, this is a "downstream operation" plant as opposed to a mill, these days. Not sure what that means. Maybe they finish the product here, I don't know. Either way, with the introduction of the new BWL plant, there are a lot more jobs in the immediate vicinity than people realize.
Finally, REO Town's facebook page had a photo up of the coffee shop out on the sidewalk. I guess I've not been through here during the work hours, so I hadn't realized how busy it'd gotten. I said it in another thread, but I'd love for CATA to put together some shuttles in between REO Town and Old Town via downtown and maybe one between downtown and the districts along East Michigan Avenue. I'd be nice even if they are just like 11:00 to 1:00 lunchtime shuttles to allow the different Everything is close enough that you'd need no more than their smaller buses, but far enough away that it doesn't make much a sense of walking when you have limited time.
Down at Mt Hope they seem to be painting the building brown, a bit better than the beige I guess. I think QD could go a long way toward fixing up their buildings in REOtown, and I think people would like that. The one with the mural was a REO Speedwagon show room at one time fix up that one anyway, a nice row of store front facades could replace the corrugated metal. They could even go with the cider mill thyme and open up a cider and donuts type attraction. My last point would be the big church, there is dirty old ripped carpet on the front stairs that looks bad, also the sidewalk there is cracked and broken with large holes. They have however also cleaned up their grounds recently. There is a neighborhood feeling and spirit there already.
There was an LSJ article a few years back detailing the history of the company, and they were described as being started by "thrifty" German immigrants or some such thing. Well, I guess that thriftiness (which I just call cheap. lol) has been on constant display through the years. I don't want them to go all Hollywood and get too cool for school, but they could update themselves a bit. They've done ONE big upgrade, and that's gussying up the store at Michigan and Harrison in East Lansing, and that's ONLY because it's across the street from some dormitories and student apartments.
BTW, does my mind decieve me, or did the facility next door to the old South Baptist Church there on Washington also used to house a store?
The new paint is more a red brick color than brown, they are not finished yet but the building looks better. There use to be three gas stations at that intersection, and they would have price wars, I think I paid 9 cents a gallon at one station there in the 70's before the oil embargo.