General Lansing Development



  • Some good manufacturing news, Plymouth-based Loc Performance products announced plans to expand their factory in North Lansing, which they puchased from Demmer about a year ago. It will created 500 new jobs in Lansing. The good news it that most of these jobs will be in welding, which are skilled manufacturing jobs with relatively high wages.

    Loc says they chose to expand in Lansing because it's the one place they were considering that actually had available skilled trades people.

  • edited June 2018

    So, the council last night formally repealed the local ordinance that required the Lansing City Market to be located at the riverfront site. This was not really a surprise following the action of cutting the subsidy to it in half a few weeks ago as a way to unwind it from the current building.

    The city will have until Labor Day to decide what it wants to do with the building. All they know at the moment is that they'd likely lease the site to someone else since an actual sell of the land would require a city-wide vote.

  • I noticed work being done on the Federal/PO Building downtown. I have always thought the yellow stone facade of that building was unique and interestingly different from the sandstone of the Capitol Building. The blocks of stone they have down on the lawn are huge!

  • The wrote today about a sculpture to be placed in the downtown rotary at Michigan and Washington. They are offering 100k! to the artist, they pick as the winner of a design competition. The artist must fund their sculpture with that money and I guess gets to keep the rest, if there is some left over.

  • Matthew Dae with the LSJ had a really nice and unique angle of the four corners:

    It kind of makes me wish we'd have something more grand here, however, than a $100,000 sculpture, but at least it'll be something permanent I guess.

  • So I guess that means plans for a fountain are dead? Maybe they have been and I just didn't know.

  • How long ago was that? I either don't remember hearing about a fountain or have forgotten.

  • How nice it could look if they built new streets and sidewalks here as well.

  • edited July 2018


  • edited July 2018

    Well, this is a different tact than the city was originally taking. The mayor wants to city council to consider putting a sell of the City Market site on the ballot this year. They'd have to do it by early August to get it on the ballot.

    I kind of just wish he'd be a bit more open about why he wants to do this? This is beginning to smack of the kind of deals and schemes Bernero was always involved in, which ironically included this current market. I'd probably just liked to see it turned into parkland since that's what it was originally before the market proprty encroached on it. Let Gillespie build up the rest of his property, first, or develop something on the Lansing Center's lot across the street. I don't see why this particular site needs to be in private hands. Just my opinion.

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