General Lansing Development



  • This is confusing as it seems that these parcels are already part of the river trail. It would be interesting to know what they plan to do with the extra land.
  • edited 9:53AM
    It was vacated railroad right-of-ways, so it has effectively been greenspace for years. It could just be that the city finally got an opportunity to buy it. Or, like you said, maybe they have some more pathways planned, but now it means they don't have to ask the railroad if they want/have to do something with it, like run a utility line or cut a sidewalk across it. Just an little quirk of history that caught my eye.

    Much of the existing and original River Trail through downtown was the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway (LS&MS), which was slowly cut back until now it's just a spur between the fish ladder and the mainline to the north.
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