Streets & Transit



  • Yes unfortunately many unprotected bike lanes become a defacto shoulder for street debris. In the winter it's common to see snow get plowed in to the bike lanes. These were not problems when they were auto lanes.
  • edited May 2018

    City public service twitter account has some photos up of the resufacing of Pine downtown. This has been a horrible drive:

    From Mayor Andy's twitter page:

    Didn't realize you can embed tweets, here.

  • I noticed the same brick pavement under the crumbling pavement on S. Capitol Ave and on S.Washington and Kalamazoo. It is noisy but brick paving can have fewer pothole problems.
    It is so enjoyable to hit a "smooth zone" where you can relax a bit and enjoy the drive however short. Lansing should buy one of the road- grinder repaving machines ourselves and run it 24/7.

  • This is just warms my heart to see; a little sad, I know. lol

  • edited June 2018

    Was looking through a few of CATA's recent reports and monthly agendas, packets and minutes and came away with a few things. After was admittedly a horrible fiscal year 2017 for CATA, one of its roughest in its history which oversaw a poor book-keeping scandal, cratering ridership numbers, and the first change in CEO in many, many years, the agency looks well on the road to recovery this year with its new CEO in charge.

    1. Ridership has finally stablized after years of decline. CATA now does a monthly ridership report. Year-to-date for fiscal year 2018 (October '17-March '18) has seen a +0.4% increase in total ridership from fiscal year 2017 (Oct '16-Mar '17).

    2. Though Lansing has had them for years, Grand Rapids' transit system is purchasing its first articulated buses for its BRT line, and transit agency sent representatives to Lansing in April to see how they work.

    3. The new CEO has been in discussions with Lyft and Uber on how they can complement CATA's service.

    4. With the change in administration in Lansing, three of Lansing's four members on the board were replaced. The most notable new member is Derek Melot, former editorial writer for the Lansing State Journal.

    5. Some both minor significant route improvements are coming in August and include some increased frequency for Sunday service on Route 1, where the wait for buses will decrease a minute-to-three during regular service (from 16 minutes to 13-15 mintues), and where the wait times will be reduced a whole five minute when MSU is in break (20 minutes to 15 minutes). Wait times on Saturday service on Route 2 will be reduced from 60 minutes to 30 minutes, and same on Sunday service. Shaving off half-an-hour is HUGE. Wait times on weekday service on Route 7 go from 60 minutes to 45-50 minutes. Wait times on weekday Route 16 (Old Town) get cut from 60 to 30 minutes and same on weekend service.

    6. The biggest change? The introduction of a downtown circulator! New Route 17 will connect downtown and Old Town during the weekday with 15 minute wait times. I believe all these changes are some of the biggest improvements we've seen since CATA took over MSUs service years and years ago.

  • I could use that route!
    Drove down Pine Street it is really nice! I can picture the whole downtown with streets just like that.

  • It would be interesting to note if the ridership goes up when gas prices reach $3.00.

    I have noticed these unmarked white buses going up and down S. Washington the windows are darkened so I can see if anyone is on the bus. Just something different and I wonder if anyone knows what are these busses?

  • edited June 2018

    A long-time road project proposal between East Lansing and DeWitt Township is a go.

    LANSING -- Michigan's new $56.8-billion budget includes nearly $8 million for a long-awaited road project that officials say will relieve traffic congestion and spur development along the Ingham County/Clinton County line.

    Extending Coleman Road from where it ends at West Road in East Lansing to Wood Road in DeWitt Township has been under discussion for more than a decade, according to the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce.


    The $7.6-million project will relieve traffic congestion in the area along both sides of U.S. 127 that encompasses Eastwood Town Center, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union headquarters and other major financial institutions, officials said.

    It also will encourage growth by opening up prime real estate, they said.

  • I noticed that they are going to repave Seymour Street! This is good news as that street is one of the many worse streets in Lansing. I was wondering if the repaving plans had increased above earlier plans do to added funds by the state?

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