General East Lansing Development



  • edited October 2020
    To be clear, we found out in June when they formally proposed it that it'd be 7 stories. Before then it was "5-8" stories. From my post on June 30:
    Looks like the MSUFCU has formally submitted plans to the city for this building. It will be 7-stories at 105 feet with 87,822 sq ft, with the first floor including an MSUFCU branch and leasable comercial space, the second floor including a community space which will be able to seat nearly 500, office space for MSUFCU on floors 3, 4, & 5 and leasable office space on floors 6 & 7.

    Nothing has changed about the project since then.
  • Oh okay, thanks for that bit.
  • Any idea where TechSmith is talking about putting their new HQ in East Lansing? The WILX story didn't say.
  • edited November 2020
    Wow that's awesome, thank you for sharing it here. I used to work at TechSmith years ago. I would love it if they were a tenant in the new MSUFCU building or Mariott. Having more office workers downtown will grow the lunch crowd and other retail activity greatly.

    From my experience working there, they seemed to prefer being close to freeways so they could be looking at something near West Road though that seems like a lateral move from where they are today. Their original location in East Lansing wasn't downtown but near West Rd at 3001 Coolidge Rd.
  • I'm old enough to remember when they made a big splash about moving into the University Corporate Research Park, and then it fell apart.
  • Yes it was very lucky they didn't move to the research park. It was right before the great recession tanked at it's worst and would have probably caused major damage to the company. We had a hiring freeze and other things put on hold for the next 1-2 years. Hopefully we are not on the cusp of another crash.
  • Their plan is to build on part of the Spartan Village land. This is not surprising since it fits their culture of being a freeway exit/friendly for commuter business.

    It's also such a big let down. This is just a lateral move from one freeway exit to another. It's not going to help attract enough software engineer talent because after prospective employees take the tour of the building they will walk outside and see the large surface parking lot and the at-minimum 5 minute walk to Trowbridge for the strip shopping center. Pedestrian access around Trowbridge is still very confusing and not conducive to casual lunch access.

    They would have a lot less risk if they were to continue to lease and join either the Marriott or the new MSUFCU building.
  • I guess the good I take out of this is that 1.) they are staying in the region, 2.) they are relocating to existing land instead of building in a greenfield, 3.) It's steps from the Amtrak station and campus where I'm sure they'll be able to recruit a lot more easily from because of the location.

    Still, I agree that it's disappointing that they aren't relocating to an urban center in the metro. It seems like this area along Harrison/Collins is the new office/institutional growth corridor in the area with now this and the hospital and the assoicated housing popping up (Volaris).

    BTW, haven't been by there in ages, but wasn't the university going to save part of Spartan Village?
  • I'll echo the disappointment here on seeing TechSmith choose such an uninspiring location. I do not support giving tax incentives to suburban office developments. Tax incentives are, in part, supposed to be a tool to encourage more desirable developments in areas that will see the most benefit from them.

    @MichMatters I'm not sure what's going on in Spartan Village, it's pretty sparsely populated these days but there are more than a few people still living there scattered around.
  • They could redevelop spartan village with a street grid, short road setbacks, and pedestrian orientation but I am not sure this would happen. Spartan Village is scheduled for removal. The university keeps sending mixed messages and timelines. I think there were also proposals for a retirement business there and also an autonomous vehicle driving site.
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