Natural Lansing: Parks, Foresty and Nature



  • Not real pretty, I do like the stone banks better than steel "sea walls". I think in a few years the stones will fill in with greenery. It is impressive to see all this work on our trails thanks to the county-wide millage. It is a good example of how a regional approach to infrastructure issues can really get things done.
  • That's great news about the Bear Lake pathway. I've been waiting for that to be finished since last winter when they cut a bunch of trees near Forest Rd and the U Club for the trail routing. Any idea what they mean by "Forest Rd Pathway"? Is that something they are building in the back of Evergreen Cemetery?
  • It's not show as a project on any maps, but the draft master plan speaks of a trail connecting the River Trail to the new Bear Lake Trail that would cut through Fenner and Evergreen Cemetery and then travel along Forest Road to the Bear Lake pathway. They mention it's a connection with the River Trail, but I don't see how unless they mean an indirect one.
  • I have seen plans for the forest Road pathway. I think it is supposed to connect at the Mt. hope and Aurelius intersection and also through Crego using Fidelity rd but I could be mistaken.
  • Okay, the connection at Mt. Hope and Aurelius makes sense now that I think about it. I'm less sure how you'd get the path to connect through Fidelity/Crego unless they consider the sidewalk on the northside of Mt. Hope the 'path.' Because the only other way would be another side path through the cemetery.

    BTW, do you kind of remember the orientation through Fenner and Evergreen before it gets onto Forest?
  • Mt Hope has enough right of way to place the path along with it. I have attached a picture. I will note that meandering paths do make the route longer and surveys of people on bikes in Lansing show that people choose the fastest most direct route when picking a bike route. rpcdn14e8uoj.jpeg

  • Cool, thanks. As for routes, it'd seem there'd be room both for paths used for commutes and those used to sight-seeing. Some of my favorite rides have been me just trying to get lost along the route. That's how I found the old steps down the river bluff behind the Turner Dodge House years ago.

    BTW, glad they are formalizing the trail through Evergreen. Whenever I'm out there you see folks from around the neighborhood - both on Mt. Hope and Forst who use it as a cut through, anyway.
  • There are nice displays of wild flowers blooming right now in the Frances Park woods and at Scott Woods/Hawk Island, some kind of rare like trout lilies. Also in Moores Park there are nice carpets of flowers in the lawns on the west side of the woods.

  • The new riverfront playground is great news! I'll keep advocating for bathrooms of some sort but public amenities like the playground are needed to keep activity on the riverfront strong. There is a playground near me that has a swing for wheelchairs. It's pretty cool and is something I haven't seen in the Lansing area. Would be cool if that is included here.
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