General Lansing Development



  • I am also impressed with the new building; it is a rare case in Lansing of "nicer than it had to be". It's great to see a company showing some civic pride.
    I have been wanting to try the new restaurant in the train station, I have not heard much about the place good or bad, I am just glad that there are two new businesses in that beautiful building.
    I read today that the Walter French building is open and welcoming new residents. Another "nicer than it had to be" project!
  • I emailed someone with the Capitol Commission whom I had contacted before regarding the Park Michigan project and it's not good news. They had just presented their finalized plans to the Commission in December but something went awry:
    Unfortunately, the park proposal never made it to the finish line. We still need the governor’s support. The Commission continues to support the project and believes it would be greatly beneficial to Michigan. Please feel free to contact the governor’s office expressing your support. The project could be included within any supplemental appropriation bill.

    Sounds like the issue is with the Governor's office, as has been alluded to before.
  • edited February 6
    I'm confused what "never made it to the finish line." Like, do they need money for more planning; was this to the point of where it just needed funding for construction, what? It sounds like this is a money issue, but they aren't explicit about that.

    Anyway, the state rep. for the area north of the rivers is pretty responsive. You could definitely try her or even out state senator, who is still chair of appropriations in the senate.
  • edited February 7
    Slow start to the year in terms of council, commission and commission stuff. Only thing I've found of interest was some meeting minutes from one of these saying that some work has already begun in Michigan Building as part of Tower on Grand. I am kind of curious to see how the back of it interacts with the parking garage, since they've mentioned this will be one of the main entrances to Tower on Grand. I took this photo of the back of the Michigan (Theatre) Building years ago:

  • It looks to me like a nice theater or auditorium would be an easy project to build with the foundation of the seating already built. I still cringe when I take the time to look at this, what a shame it was to tear the theater down. I sat in that balcony for many movies, and I even saw the last theatrical stage production that played on that stage which was a pretty good production of "Jesus Christ Super Star". I remember leaving out the back way and the alley behind was a dense block of buildings, it was a very urban big city feel. 50 years later maybe they will build something with an urban big city feel. it has taken long enough!
  • edited February 8
    I posted this because this is where they are going to build the parking garage and amenity deck for Tower on Grand. You will be able to walk from the building entrance on Washington to over Grand Avenue to the tower.

    I'm still curious about how they will integrate the building into the parking garage. I really wish they'd have been able to get a hold of the garage literally next door, which would have left space for something interesting, here. But that was not in the cards, apparently.
  • edited February 15
    Looks like Riverview and Grand Vista Place in Cherry Hill have closed on all funding needed for these two buildings being developed by the Lansing Housing Commission & Chesapeake Community Advisors. I guess Cinnaire is just an investor. It looks like the site was transfered to another LLC on the 30th of last month, and both have "project" listings on the city property look-up website. So, construction should be starting on these in the coming weeks.

    Still haven't heard of any updates on the new city hall, which will be squeezed in between the two.
  • There are new depictions of the new building on, they look somewhat better than earlier versions. Much less prison/warehouse like!
  • The LSJ story has the original rendering of Riverview, from what I can tell. Also, I just passed the site, today. Apparently, the story was published because it looks like they've already started demolition of the existing buildings on site. I hadn't realized they'd already gotten this far. Grand Vista doesn't have any buildings on it, so that should go pretty fast.
  • @MichMatters I think the Park Michigan proposal did not get funded this year as it was expected to, it sounds as though they had a shovel ready design. A lack of support from the governor is implied.

    As for the old Michigan Theater balcony, the renderings of the parking garage make it appear as though this part of the building will be razed. AFAIK the city would still need to provide some kind of formal approval to build ramp over the street which I don't think was part of anything approved so far? I don't know what to expect.

    I also have not heard anything new about city hall, my neighborhood group was supposed to have a city rep attend a meeting that was cancelled, no word on anything since.
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