General Lansing Development



  • Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's something mechanical.

    This sounds nice, I wonder how likely anything will really happen in the near future that would be noticeable, but it's good to hear people are working towards something. I liked the picture, nice shot of some Mich Ave. businesses that look great.

    DBI's facade work is in full swing with alot of new brick up it appears.
  • Well I believe the Michigan Avenue Corridor Improvement Authority was responsible for the historic lighting that was put up along Michigan Ave. Some of these small changes look really nice, and hopefully more of them will help to make it look nicer. I think in the big picture is turning the corridor more towards a mass-transit. I would like to see a bus-HOV lane.
  • I don't know if anyone noticed, but there's a sign up now for the proposed Annabelle's Pet Station at 600 S. Capitol. Didn't have my camera with me so I couldn't take a pic.
  • A couple quick updates of things I've noticed:

    -A small (1 story) office building on Capitol (I think ~600 S. Capitol) has a development sign with Kincaid on it and pictures showing what I thought looked like a significant rennovation/update of the building.

    -DBI's facade rennovation looks about done...nothing too exciting, but looks nice (honestly, I can't exactly remember what it looked like before

    -Daily Bagel's facade rennovation is getting close to done...scaffolding is down and all the brick looks windows for the upstairs yet

    -Cedar Street School rennovation is moving along, looks like the building is completely gutted at this point

    -for the MSP building the cinder block exterior is going up on southeast corner and the elevator shafts' blocks are almost done also
  • I think the concrete walls going up at the MSP are simply the interior walls that'll be sheathed in brick and decorative concrete on the exterior.
  • Micro,

    The 600 South Capitol building is the "doggy day care" aka Annabelle's Pet Station

    DBI's renovation is mostly adding windows to the third story and giving a fresh exterior look to the building.
  • By exterior walls I simply meant that it isn't the concrete for the interior walls.
  • Come fall of 2010, imagine what Lansing is going to look like. I may be a little off, but if I remember correctly, MarketPlace, Capitol Club Tower, the Lenewee building and possibly AF headquarters and BallPark North with be done or far along in construction by then?

    I haven't heard alot about the Lenewee, but there were real estate ads in the Business Weekly pullout of the LSJ this week that cited 2010 completion of it. Maybe if we're lucky Kzoo Gateway will be moving along by then too.

    These are pretty exciting times, now I just hope we get a 10 story building out of MarketPlace...that would be pretty significant in my mind...having a good sized building on the east side of the river will be a good expansion of the downtown feel, and will have a nice visual flow from the westside having the prominent AF building on the otherside of the river.
  • edited August 2008
    NuUnion to get brownfield incentive

    Susan Vela and Kathryn Prater •, • August 19, 2008 • From

    NuUnion Credit Union will use a brownfield incentive to tear down the former Regent Inn at 6501 S. Pennsylvania Ave. to make room for a new branch.

    Gov. Jennifer Granholm said today the Lansing Brownfield Redevelopment Authority will receive $392,922 in state and local tax capture that NuUnion will use to demolish and redevelop the former hotel site on the city’s south side.

    Lansing-based NuUnion plans to tear down the hotel, build a $3.4 million, 5,000-square-foot branch and relocate its nearby office at 438 E. Edgewood Blvd. to the site.
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