MSU Development



  • That is a great idea!

  • edited November 2017

    Thanks! I hope my comment didn't come off as too negative towards the improvements MSU has made to this buildings at this intersection - I think they look much better than what was there previously. I'm just surprised they didn't follow through to the traffic lights.

  • I'm assuming you mean the traffic lights? They did bury the utilities that ran along the west side of Harrison. I remember looking at all the telephone poles and wires during construction thinking about how ugly they were then one day they were gone.

  • edited December 2017

    Yes, street lights ~ traffic lights... I should have been more precise.

  • I think it would be a good idea to replace the street and traffic lights along Harrison with more attractive and efficient lights from Mt. Hope to Michigan Ave. While the traffic lights serve to slow traffic in the neighborhood it would be nice if they were coordinated so if you catch the green you could drive all the way[at a slow speed] without stopping, like on some Lansing streets. There are times I have had to stop at every red light which is very inefficient and annoying!

  • I'd be up for that. I avoid driving down Harrison specifically for that reason.

  • It looks like after years of attempts, the School of Music will finally be expanding its building.

    Official ground breaking for Michigan State University’s new $35 million addition to the College of Music isn’t until October, but Dean James Forger just couldn’t wait.

    So on Wednesday he brought together interim MSU President John Engler, a faculty jazz band, donors, university trustees and even a college of music undergraduate to trumpet the decision to finally build the building they have been working on for years.

    The $35 million project will add 37,000 square feet to the Music Building and renovate 8,500 square feet of existing space. Half of the money will come from donations. When it’s done, the building will be called the MSU Music Pavilion.

  • From my memory the Music Building already looks like the illustration. Where are the 37,000 square feet being added?

  • edited June 2018

    The whole, entire "L" section on the left side of the rendering is new. Nothing exists to the left of that main entrance in the front. The addition will create that courtyard you see pictured.

  • LSJ has a nice rendering of the proposed STEM facility:

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