MSU Development



  • I saw that, it has the potential to be something really significant. I'm hoping for something non-automotive though. Aerospace, pharmaceutical, renewable energy or chip manufacturing would be nice to see.
  • There's now start a start date for the new MSU IM building of September 2023 and an estimated completion of early 2026, along with a new rendering:

    There's also still a few other significant projects in the pipeline with no renderings or specific plans made public that I expect should come into focus soon: the new Multicultural Center, Plant and Environmental Science Building and Engineering/Digital Innovation Building.
  • Is this a replacement building for one of the existing IM buildings? Where's the link to the specs?
  • edited January 2023
    Yeah, it is replacing IM west. I don't know if I've ever seen square footage or dollar figures although they may have been in a news story at some point, I've posted several iterations of renderings courtesy of the MSU IPF page. Here's a link to the project on their site:

    EDIT: The slideshow they link to shows 287,000 sq ft over 2 floors + mezzanine. It also includes floor & site plan along with more info -
  • I wonder if the plans include a swimming pool. It seems really strange to me that MSU is building these multi-million-dollar buildings but cannot afford to have a swim and dive team.
  • @gbdinlansing Sort of. The area where the swimming area would go is labeled as "potential future phase" in the site/floor plans.
  • Looks like MSU has finalized the design for their new Multicultural Center to be located at the NE corner of Farm & Shaw. It'll be 34k sq ft and cost $38 million, groundbreaking will be this spring with completion in fall of 2024:



  • This looks like a nice contemporary design; the building site will be quite prominent on the corner there. The green space there is sort of unremarkable, I don't think there are many large older trees that will have to be removed, except for a basketball court this space sees little use.
  • Yeah, it's not really a site worthy of being protected green space or anything like that and it's quite a nice design. The MSU IPF page has a site plan showing the building will be oriented to Shaw:

    Another minor development is the replacement of the Farm Ln bridge on MSU's campus. They will begin building an adjacent pedestrian bridge this summer while relocating utilities, the actual bridge replacement will begin in December this year wrapping up June 2024. The bridge will look nice but is going to run a pricey $44 million, more than the aforementioned multicultural center.

  • This looks really nice. I was not expecting the road and bridge improvements. They removed trees and shrubs on the north bank of the Red Cedar, I was wondering why, looks like some improved landscaping will be going in that area. I won't miss the graffiti underpass at Farm Lane. I know the students like it, but it really is a mess down there.
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