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I would love to see the river trail go under MLK. We live west of MLK and that bit is the such a scary part to cross with small kids. Coming off the bridge, people treat that stretch the indy 500. Also, re deer, they are out in force! We had 5 in…
Love the look of the brickwork, but the transition kind of makes it look unfinished on the bottom set of renderings. I know doing brick all the way up isn't feasible, but I think a different color other than grey\steel would have a more polished loo…
Nice photos. I like the park, but it really is too bad that LCC doesn't have much retail around it. Even though it's only a couple blocks from Washington it feels much farther because of the offices and garages that segregate it. I went to LCC for 3…
Thanks for the digging on this! I wish one of these renderings would focus on an area of the park besides the food court. It's been discussed here, but without public restroom facilities and some sort of attraction, I just don't see this getting …
@MJ one issue is post count. Forums pages are determined by # of pages. So if you post 10 short posts, that is all the reader sees on a page. Whereas if that was condensed into one post, there would be more content. Additionally, it really is …
@Lymon89 Can you expand on why it's a bad idea? Is it a waste of money? Not as structurally sound? Something else?
I was just talking to someone recently who has been on the top floor. He said the view of campus was absolutely incredible.
To be fair, cadl money was a small enough portion that it wouldn't effect the plan much either way. If the rest of the organizations declined to give up their share, it would be a different story, but everyone else is on board with it.
I like the capitol, but I never really see it as a Lansing icon, more of a state. I know it's on our seal and all, but it's never really been much of a reflection on who we are as a city to me. Smokestacks are 615' per wikipedia. I had never know…
The Frances Park trail portion of this is really exciting to me. Not only because I live in that area, but because there was a significant will donation (I want to say around 200k) left for renovations of Frances Park itself. That in conjunction wit…
Recently, in the last couple months, I've been hearing murmurings of what will happen with the stacks when the plant is decommissioned. To back up the article, I have heard NO ONE talk about removing them. I have heard of some kind of zip line attra…
oh yeah. Totally missed the wing was on the agenda.
Is Forsberg involved in this? He's listed as in attendance.
I noticed those like 3 days before they sold. I think it was like 65k. The site cleanup is probably no joke. Not a great location, but close to old town and it could look great. I think it's open right now, no second floor. You could do like three v…
I don't want to seem ungrateful, this is a donation after all, but it just seems like what's being planned is so close to great, but just misses the mark. Having a spot for concerts is wonderful, but I think there needs to be a compelling reason …
It just looks like a restaurant patio. Grills and bathrooms and a bit more green space would be great, but as it is now, I just can't see any reason to go to the park. I guess it's better than nothing, but if this is what is going in there, it's r…
I live about a mile from reo and am so stoked at what has been happening here. On Ellison, anyone know what the place is actually going to look like? In my head I'm envisioning a beer hall atmosphere, mainly from the shape of the building. Would lov…
I love it. You're thinking too small though. That area is just the norther tier of a much larger park complex that includes Fenner, Crego, Potter, Scott Woods, Sycamore Creek, the cemeteries...hell, even as far south as Hawk Island. If they could be…
Great news. I also just saw the super market a bit to the south is for sale. Looked like a steal before, but with this sale it's even better.
My understanding (and I could be wrong) regarding the use of paneling is that this stuff it currently being used because it's relatively cheap and easy to replace if it starts looking tired or needs repair.