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How exciting! It will definitely be an improvement over what is currently there, that's for sure. I also like the size & scope of it. As for area names, Frandor is ok and of course the most recognizable, even if more for the shopping center a…
Call me crazy, but that sculpture looks remarkably like the "Jesus Fish."
I think the feel of the river and its accessibility on that side has been improving a lot during this construction. I've always thought that it seems too much in the background, hidden behind buildings etc especially on the western side of it.
I think this is great! Hope it doesn't cost me too much on my BWL bills lol. Decent looking and set back so that the GTW Depot looks like it belongs. I always hoped that something would be done with that building, so I'd say that this is about as…
It may not be as large as some people would like but its not bad either. Like Jared said quite a while back, its better than the parking lot it replaced. It can still look pretty imposing from the street level and if it looks anything like the ren…
Thanks for the LED information. The 68 mile thing was a mistake on my part. I also was not aware of the exact layout of the urban area, so thank you for the link and I find it interesting that due to population it can (as makes sense) omit certain…
I would also be interested in knowing what kind of lights the city uses, both for streetlights and things like traffic signals. Something like these LED traffic signal lights from GE might be more energy efficient as well as more reliable and emit …
I do realize that CATA has another hub at MSU and that its not completely centralized. I would still argue that unless we're talking about a more extensive system than the length of route one and its location, that the population and density of eve…
Yes, I understand, LMich. I'm not saying that there would be no regional considerations, but if mostly the length of route one is what's being considered, then the regionalization has much more to do with governance than regional area size. The co…
Woodsstephene, you can just click on the little box with a picture of a small photo (blueish square) on it above where you write in comments. Its along the bar with B I U on it, and a box will come up telling you to enter in the link to the image. …
Here are your photos embedded woodsstephene
Yeah, although to be fair I thought that we were mostly talking about just where the #1 route is. Certainly it is the most used route by CATA and at the moment it doesn't sound like we're discussing a large regional system. That somewhat limits ho…
Tacoma Washington has a population of something like 202,700 and has a system called the Tacoma Link. Its 1.6 miles, opened in 2003 and has a daily ridership of 2,900. The city has an '08 population density estimate of 3,984.2/sq mi compared to th…
image source: dtnmgt.com source: capitalgainsmedia.com There really needs to be a recent picture or two of this here on the site. I'd maybe even say a project page despite how late into the project it is as I'm writing this. While its kind…
Well that would've been very hard, LMich, given all that would need to be taken into account, so you almost had me beat until I found this gem: Average weekday rides for April 2008 on Route #1: 6,500 So that's what it was for at least April of t…
For anyone that is curious, here is a youtube video showing what a light rail in Detroit on Woodward would look like. It was put together as a part of the Detroit Transit Options for Growth Study by DDOT and URS. If someone could find how man…
Today when I went by I saw the Great Lakes Chocolate and Coffee Company sign was on the outside of the Stadium District.
Like micro, I hope none of that "employees of the developer" feeling was aimed at me, Lmich, as I am in no way affiliated with Gillespie. And perhaps you're right, that there has been a flair towards the dramatics on this thread. However, when I e…
Preaching to the choir indeed. I was there too. I really should have spoke but didn't prepare to and the meeting lasted 4 and a half hours even with reducing speaking time to two minutes instead of the usual 3 for people. Also I thought I'd note …
I will need to read more as I am still undecided (haven't read in the Pulse yet, etc.). I also think that it would be nice if East Lansing was involved with CADL but can certainly see why they are not. The Pulse listing of "what we currently pay" …