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  • thanks for the information. As service/mini-market station it is not as bad as it could be, and will be an improvement over the decaying but cool old building.
  • I saw they were tearing down Eastern today:{
  • I walked over to the EL post office where I noticed the demolition of the unusual Marathon service station was nearly done. I hoped they would keep the '60s modern layout that basically hide the pumps from the street. I was just a kid when East Lans…
  • I agree that U of M leaders seem deaf to Lansing citizens' concerns about their own neighborhood. They have a great institution that is benefiting our community however this issue seems to point to some arrogance on their part. I am a Spartan, and I…
  • I enjoyed looking at the old photos of Eastern High School on LSJ.com. I went to Sexton, so I did not visit Eastern very often, I had never seen some of the beautiful classic areas of the building. It looks like they are going to indeed tear it down…
  • Thanks for the information, the more green space owned by the city the better!
  • This is confusing as it seems that these parcels are already part of the river trail. It would be interesting to know what they plan to do with the extra land.
  • I would guess the areas near Michigan Ave to the north would be out of the flood zone, all these years later and the township still poorly maintains this little shanty town in the middle our metropolitan area. Look at the top photo the street looks …
  • This is good news; I used to live right across the street and this building filled the view from our window. I saw some crazy stuff over there. I believe the building is vacant these days, and they have removed all the shrubbery seen in this picture…
  • Looks like we rank pretty low on a list of Best Capital City where Lansing [not Greater Lansing] is ranked #39! I think maybe that is too low, but they did not ask me!
  • Of course, new buildings that have people living there will be a great improvement over those strange buildings that are there now, we can hope they will look better that these A.I. [?] depictions. Not a lot of imagination in these pictures.
  • There are new depictions of the new building on LSJ.com, they look somewhat better than earlier versions. Much less prison/warehouse like!
  • A large crane is at the south end of Spartan Stadium for the dismantling of the 11-year-old! score board which seemed to work pretty well to me but is ancient in terms of technology. I guess. I am hoping to able to watch the game on the new jumbo sc…
  • When I read 2 or 3 years from now for most every project that is planned for Lansing it makes me crazy. How about paving E Michigan Ave in front of Frandor tomorrow, that would be a good place to start.
  • It looks to me like a nice theater or auditorium would be an easy project to build with the foundation of the seating already built. I still cringe when I take the time to look at this, what a shame it was to tear the theater down. I sat in that bal…
  • I noticed a new welcome to Lansing sign on Dunkel at Collins. It is nice looking different from a Highway type sign, with several different panels three of which say "Health and Innovation Corridor" a rather unusual title imo I had to look at it twi…
  • The new windows are being installed at the MSU Museum, and Campbell Hall. The windows are architecturally correct muti-paned glass that seems to be a little wavy like old glass. [ I could be wrong about that] Anyway they look great. They are also pu…
  • I have been hoping to hear that this big project was actually going to happen, it is a relief to hear that it really is going to happen. Seems like our country has a lot of crazy people in charge, so you never know. I like the depiction of the new b…
  • I am also impressed with the new building; it is a rare case in Lansing of "nicer than it had to be". It's great to see a company showing some civic pride. I have been wanting to try the new restaurant in the train station, I have not heard much ab…
  • In my last installment for the Ice-Skating rink discussion! I saw a really cool ice-skating park with a serpentine skating path and a large rink on one end. They are also including a fire pit and a warming house. Let's do that! Maybe on the 496 cap.…