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  • Once again: wow.
  • "I don't think there are any cities that are like New York but have the footprint of Lansing." What about ones with the footprint of New York but like Lansing?
  • Whoa, Lmich. My apologies -- we seem to be having a misunderstanding here. Let's try again. I actually think we're on the same page. Heck, reading this forum, I have a lot of respect for your knowledge and insight. I'll try to be less of an @ss and …
  • First off -- this site would be a lot more useful if folks could cite or link to publications or statistics when making statements about trends (e.g. whether crime in Lansing is going up or down). It drives me batty when people rely on uninformed / …
  • If you put it that way, yes, it makes sense. Thanks for clarifying your point.
  • PS. Maybe Mr. Townsend is making a rational decision to hold off in light of the state of the economy?
  • I've never read a thing about a correlation between eminent domain applications and city size. I would think the City would avoid an eminent domain proceeding based on: 1. recent Michigan case law that curtails governments powers in taking prope…
  • LMich: "I'm not complaining at all. As with any studio lot, this is an industrial building, so I'm looking at it mostly in terms of economic impact. You can't treat it like a mixed-use development." Really? You can't? Come on, be creative and thi…
  • Couldn't they orient the building differently to make it more cohesive with the other development downtown and to encourage pedestrian traffic? I understand that this building's use will entail significant equipment loading and unloading and perhaps…
  • Yeah, I'd hope the City would push AF to put up the signage soon -- generate some excitement and spiff the place up a bit.
  • I had a chance to go by the site earlier this week -- I currently don't live in Lansing and remember parking there the last time I paid attention to that stretch. Anyway, it looks great and I think it has a lot of potential. I just hope there's goi…
  • Oh, and in terms of being blue-haired and giving up your car -- why do you have to give up the car when your hair turns? Why not now? That said, I think an even better idea would be to move back to a dense part of the region (areas of EL or Lansing)…
  • Does it have to be light rail? What about true bus rapid transit, with off-bus fare collection, signal priority, and at-level boarding? Don't get me wrong, I would love light rail, but the infrastructure costs are often so high that it renders itsel…
  • Is it just me, or is #4 a Gehry rip off? #3 is incomprehensible and unintelligible. I don't mind #1 or #5, but I like #2, especially if the lighting bit is true...
  • I'm very familiar, but maybe someone else is: is there any light rail even remotely on the table or under consideration in the Greater Lansing region? Or maybe some Bus Rapid Transit?
  • Jared -- that link is coming up incorrectly, here is the story: http://www.statenews.com/article.phtml?pk=41566 Why does the State News feel the need to put the term green roof in parentheses? It's either a green roof or it's not. Regardless, I am …
  • I like the new look, but I also like some of the info on the bottom of the blog page, with the newsfeeds, popular tags, and flickr images (which are currently being lost by the number of blog posts on that page). I don't know if it is feasible to in…